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Thousands rally in Muş torchlight march, strongly condemning Gaza genocide
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The event served as a powerful platform for participants to express their strong opposition to the ongoing genocide and massacres perpetrated by the occupation regime against Gaza.

The City Square in Muş became a rallying point for the impassioned crowd, as they raised their voices against the atrocities faced by the Palestinian people under the blockade in Gaza. The protesters, brandishing banners and chanting slogans, underscored their unwavering support for the Palestinian resistance and their collective stance against the oppressive occupation regime.

Ibrahim Arpa, representing the group, delivered a heartfelt address that resonated with the sentiments of the assembled crowd. He highlighted the profound pain and sorrow felt for the thousands of innocent lives, including women and children, who have tragically fallen victim to the ruthless israeli regime in Gaza.

"As we stand here today, our hearts ache for the suffering endured by our Palestinian brothers and sisters," Arpa expressed.

Arpa delved into the historical context, tracing the origins of the zionist occupation project back to 1897. He provided a stark reminder of the continuous violence against Palestinian civilians, emphasizing the critical importance of global powers, including the United States, Britain, and European countries, taking a firm stance against the oppressive regime.

The impassioned speaker underscored the need for urgent and collective action from Islamic nations to address the crisis in Gaza. "We, as a collective force, must take a stand against this injustice," Arpa declared, urging countries, especially Türkiye, to sever diplomatic, economic, and military ties with Israel, branding it a threat to humanity.

Arpa's call to action extended beyond diplomatic measures. He advocated for solidarity with Yemen, commending their unwavering support for Gaza. He proposed a series of impactful measures, including cutting oil shipments to the zionist entity, terminating military support, and initiating legal proceedings against citizens supporting zionism.

The demonstration concluded with a solemn prayer led by Mazlum Uslu, further reinforcing the collective commitment to supporting the Palestinian cause. The torchlight march that followed, from Kent Square to Imam Shafii Mosque, served as a symbolic gesture of unity and opposition to the ongoing oppression in Gaza.

The procession, illuminated by the glow of torches, underscored the unwavering commitment of the participants to raise awareness and stand in solidarity against injustice. (ILKHA)

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