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Hope Caravan Foundation appeals for support in providing stationery aid to students  
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The campaign aims to provide essential stationery items both domestically and internationally.

Stationery aid package for education

As part of the "Support Package for Education," a nominal fee of 500 Turkish Liras has been designated for the stationery aid, encompassing primary, middle, and high school support bundles. These packages will cater to the needs of tens of thousands of orphans and underprivileged students across Türkiye and overseas, particularly focusing on regions affected by earthquakes.

Extending hope across borders

Speaking to an ILKHA reporter, Cengiz Kurtaran, the President of Hope Caravan, emphasized the recurring nature of their education support program. "The education support package, a stationery aid initiative, has been an annual undertaking at Hope Caravan," he noted. "We are committed to providing stationery aid to orphans and students in need for the upcoming 2023-2024 academic year. Under the banner of 'Hope for Tomorrow,' we appeal to our generous benefactors."

Kurtaran added that the aid distribution will be carried out ahead of the commencement of the school year in September. The aid is not limited to Türkiye; it encompasses global outreach efforts. "Our assistance will not only span Türkiye, including areas impacted by earthquakes, but will extend internationally as well," Kurtaran explained. "We aspire to instill hope in the youth of Africa, Yemen, Palestine, and other regions. We urge our supporters to join hands with us to make a greater impact and fulfill the needs of more students."

Categorizing aid for different levels

Kurtaran outlined the specifics of the aid packages, stating: "The aid packages will be tailored for primary, middle, and high school levels. For primary school students, supplies like notebooks, pencils, pens, paints, sharpeners, and erasers will be included. Older students in middle and high school require larger notebooks, and we will ensure their provision. As educational curricula vary in regions like Africa and Yemen, our aid will be customized accordingly. Despite this diversity, we have set a standard fee of 500 Turkish Liras and will operate a pooled system for distributing aid within Türkiye and overseas." (ILKHA)

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