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7th Islamic Scholars Meeting concludes with final declaration
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With the participation of many prominent Islamic scholars, the seventh edition of “Islamic Scholars Meeting” was held at the headquarters of ITTIHADUL ULEMA in Türkiye’s southeastern Diyarbakır.

The meeting, which was held this year with theme of “The Role of Ulema (Islamic scholars) in the Development and the Progress of Ummah with Science and Thought”, concluded after two-day presentations and speeches.

The full text of the final declaration of 7th Islamic Scholars Meeting is as follows:


وَأَنزَلْنَا إِلَيْكَ الذِّكْرَ لِتُبَيِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ مَا نُزِّلَ إِلَيْهِمْ وَلَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ

“And We have sent down to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Reminder (The Holy Qur’an), so that you may explain to people what has been revealed for them, and perhaps they will reflect.” (Surah An-Nahl, 44)

1-The Islamic scholars are heirs of the Prophet. They speak in accordance with prophetic language, adopt the morality of the prophets, and uphold their cause.

2-For the resurrection of the ummah, the reunion of humanity with civilization, the freedom, welfare and happiness of Muslims as well as the whole world, turning to science and raising Islamic scholars, we have to update curriculums both in the intellectual and scientific field and in terms of following the technological developments.

3- Our scholars always need to be open to innovation in order to raise political and intellectual leaders who will revive Muslims and save them from blasphemy and oppression. At same time, in regaining the dignity, value, respect and personality of the human being; we have to raise up leading scholars equipped with all the necessary sciences and high abilities to guide us in our journey to understand life, consciousness and reality.

4-Shari'i madrasas, which determine their curriculums and programs in line with the orders and interests of Islam, without being under the influence of any non-Islamic structure, as well as the Islamic scholars, should be supported and strengthened in accordance with the constants in the philosophy of Islamic education that are the reasons of their formation, without being removed from the main structure on which they move forward.

5- The curriculums and programs of the madrasahs should be reformed in such a way as to respond to the problems needs of our age. Islamic scholars Ulema should consider raising the inviters to Islam a priority.

6-Necessary courses should be added to the curriculums of madrasas in order to catch up with constructive intellectual and technological developments and to fulfill the pioneering role properly.

7-Islamic scholars are not only just authorities to which people turn to and ask questions in case of need. Like the Prophets, they should be the leaders who are always in interaction with the people actively, follow and determine their agenda, and never shy away from irshaad (showing the right way) and guidance to the Ummah. In order to uplift the Ummah through science and technology, there should be a constant and strong dialogue between Islamic scholars and people.

8- In Islamic civilization, scholars have always checked on the rulers, directed the administrators and warned them when they made mistakes. This duty of the ulema is not only to support and strengthened the just rulers, but also minimized the damages inflicted by the incompetent cruel rulers. We live in a time when scholars are most needed to perform their role. Islamic scholars should continue to fulfill their stimulant and guiding responsibility under all circumstances.

9- Every problem related to human rights and law and human dignity is the problem of scholars. Scholars should not avoid addressing the problems of and the Ummah as well as all humanity, and taking initiative. No obstacle should prevent Islamic scholars from involving in Kurdish issue and shouldering responsibility on this matter. To the extent that they abide by the truth and justice in this matter, they can assume a leadership role that is expected of them. And thus, they also fulfill the entrustment of Prophethood.

10- Racism is essentially a satanic mental illness originating from the Western countries. It has nothing to be defended in terms of religion and interests. Because, in essence, it is contrary to the Islamic creed, and in practice, it is hostile to the interests of the ummah, to serve the enemies of the Ummah. It is Islam that holds Muslim nations together.

11- Islamic scholars are responsible for upholding the principle of Islamic brotherhood at all costs. Since the scholars are the heirs of the Prophet, they are obliged to maintain a stance above the national interests. They neither consent to the usurpation of the rights of Muslims nor to racism. Scholars are on the side of the ummah, they are interested in the problems of the ummah at every place they can reach.

12-Under the leadership of Islamic Emirate, Afghan people have succeeded in putting an end to the US occupation and established an Islamic state after yearslong war. This victory has been a source of pride for the entire Islamic Ummah. In this context, the ulema should play an important role in the development of political, economic and cultural relations between Islamic countries and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and in order for the Emirate to be recognized by all Muslim countries.

13- After the victory of Afghan people, the economic problems caused by the invading infidels brought responsibilities to the ulama. Until our brothers in Afghanistan reach economic competence, the scholars have important duties to undertake in urging Muslims to help them.

14- Long-term plans are being hatched for the destruction of Islamic societies. In order to protect our people from the evil of these corruption networks, Islamic scholars should take responsibility and prepare short and long-term programs to warn the ummah against those plans.

15- They are trying to weaken the beliefs of our children through irreligious ideologies. Our children are being alienated from Islam and made enemies of Islam.  Scholars must take responsibility to tackle the current problems. Just as those before us overcame crises and paved the way for the victories for Islam, the today's scholars also have the potential to turn our problems into opportunities.

16- The secularization of our new generations and their squandering in pursuit of pleasure in line with the plots and strategies of foreign powers, is one of the biggest current problems of the Ummah. Our scholars should take responsibility in the face of this great danger that the Ummah confronts.

17- Imperialist powers exploit women's rights and law in their projects aiming to corrupt society. The destructive activities of the global imperialists on women and the family should be followed closely, the struggle to preserve the Islamic society should be strengthened by protecting the rights of women.

18- The core of societies is the family. The family is our stronghold against the global imperialist powers. Islamic scholars should mobilize for the preservation of the family institution. At a time when perversions are legally protected for the destruction of the family, Islamic scholars should take the lead and guide society in eliminating deviant behaviors as well as deviant ideologies. (ILKHA)

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