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Sağlam: Anti-Islamism is a reaction against the rise of Islam
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In his weekly statement on foreign agenda, HÜDA PAR Chairman İshak Sağlam made assessments about the dirty provocation of Charlie Hebdo and the United States’ stance against Turkey on East Mediterranean tensions.

The dirty provocation of Charlie Hebdo

Condemning Charlie Hebdo’s decision to republish Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) cartoons, Sağlam said: “French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo republished the cartoons insulting Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). The move, which French President Macron described as freedom of expression, aims to provoke Muslims over their religious sensitivities. We condemn this despicable act of Charlie Hebdo magazine, which is an insult to the sacred values of Muslims. It is unacceptable that insulting religious values is considered within the scope of freedom of expression. It is unacceptable to consider the defamation of the religious values ​​within the scope of freedom of expression. In recent times, acts involving insults and aggression against Islam and its values have escalated, especially in European countries. These actions are also an indication of the bankruptcy and inability of the West, which can no longer produce any spiritual values in the face of Islam.”

“Anti-Islamism is a reaction against the rise of Islam”

Noting that anti-Islamism in the West countries has reached a dangerous level, Sağlam said: “Anti-Islamism, which was raised and normalized by the provocative decision of Charlie Hebdo after the tearing apart of the Holy Quran in Sweden and Norway, has reached a very dangerous level. In Western countries, where anti-Islamism and an insult to Islamic values are considered within the scope of freedom of expression, freedom of belief and worship for Muslims is restricted as much as possible, and they face physical and psychological pressure, being deprived of legal protection. Anti-Islamism is a reaction against the rise of Islam. Muslims should have their own rights and freedoms on the international stage. In this direction, the Muslim public and the rulers of Islamic countries should take an active role. Diplomatic and trade sanctions should be imposed against France, which considers the insult against the Prophet Muhammad as part of freedom of expression, and the freedom of faith and worship of Muslims living in Western countries should be guaranteed.”

“The United States are adding fuel to the fire in the Eastern Mediterranean”

Addressing the US actions against Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean, Sağlam went on to say: “The United States has partially lifted the 33-year arms embargo imposed on Southern Cyprus. The United States, which defines Southern Cyprus as its partner in the Mediterranean, is pursuing an anti-Turkey policy in the eastern Mediterranean tension. At a time when there is a risk of an armed conflict between Greece and Turkey with the Navtex announcements and military exercises, this move by the United States is the clearest indication that it aims to increase instability in the region.”

“Turkey should review its relations with the United States, which is pursuing a confrontational policy”

Warning Turkey against the United States’ policies, Sağlam concluded his remarks as follows: “The latest move by the United States, which increases the risk of an armed conflict in the Eastern Mediterranean, requires Turkey to increase its efforts to resolve the Eastern Mediterranean issue by negotiation. In the coming period, Turkey should review its relations with the United States, which acts contrary to spirit of alliance and pursues a confrontational policy.” (ILKHA)

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