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Hope Caravan provides cash assistance to orphans in southeast Turkey
Google News'te Doğruhaber'e abone olun. 

The Hope Caravan, which acts with the mission of delivering the humanitarian aid to those who are persecuted or otherwise in need, regardless of their religion, language, race or sect, has not forgotten about the orphans in this month of Ramadan.

The Hope Caravan, which provides cash assistance to orphaned families every year on the 15th day of Ramadan, which is marked by Islamic countries as the World Orphans Day, managed to make the face of the orphans smile again in this month of Ramadan.

Stating that they are helping orphaned children on the occasion of World Orphans Day, Ramazan Tokdemir, the head of the Hope Caravan’s Siirt Branch, said: “First of all, I would like to thank the benefactors who have helped us to conduct these charitable works. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) stated, ‘Whoever caresses the head of an orphan (in affection), solely for the sake of Allah, a good deed will be written to his account for every hair over which he passed his hand, and whoever treated an orphan (boy or girl) with goodness and kindness, he and I will be close to each-other in Heaven as these two fingers’. The Prophet (SAW) made a gesture with his fingers as explained above. May My Lord make us one of his servants who take care of the orphans.”

“The number of people in need of help is quite large”

Noting that they could not help many needy people who applied to the foundation because they did not have the means to help all of them, he called on philanthropists to help orphans and families in need of help.

Tokdemir concluded his remarks as follows: “We ask the philanthropists, who want to take care of the needy, to reach out and help us. The number of people in need is quite high, we have orphans. Many people have recently lost their jobs due to coronavirus pandemic. We don’t have the means to help everyone who applies to us. (ILKHA)

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