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Prophet’s Lovers Foundation extends warm wishes on Laylat al-Raghaib
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The foundation takes this opportunity to call upon believers to engage in profound spiritual reflection and dedicate the forthcoming three months to abundant prayers, supplications, and acts of worship.

Yakup Kaya, a member of the Board of Directors of the Prophet’s Lovers Foundation, shared the foundation's Laylat al-Raghaib message, invoking blessings for Muslims globally and expressing hopes for the alleviation of suffering among those facing oppression.

As the Islamic calendar ushers in the blessed three months starting with Laylat al-Raghaib, the foundation emphasizes the profound significance of this period for the purification of humanity. It is seen as a unique window for believers to engage in deeds that are pleasing to Allah, and an opportunity to curb the desires of the ego.

Kaya remarked: "In these months, undesirable traits such as riya (showing off) and arrogance should be consciously eliminated by adorning ourselves with ihlas (sincerity). O Allah! Bestow blessings upon us during Rajab and Sha'ban, leading us towards the holy month of Ramadan. These months represent a season of opportunity, a chance for renewal, and the zenith of spirituality for us."

The foundation encourages believers to use these sacred months as a time for introspection, shedding negative attributes, and fostering sincerity in their worship. The call to engrave the dhikr (remembrance) of Allah in their hearts is echoed, emphasizing the purification from malice and the illumination of nights and days through dedicated worship.

In a poignant acknowledgment of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Kaya expressed deep concern for the inhumane attacks on Gaza and Masjid al-Aqsa. The message held a hopeful tone, anticipating that the three months ahead would serve as a harbinger of relief for the oppressed and an end to the tyranny perpetuated by oppressors.

“Let us endeavor to make the message of Islam prevail first in our hearts and then in the whole world. Let's engrave the dhikr of Allah in our hearts and purify ourselves from everything except Allah. Let us enlighten our nights and days with worship and dhikr. Let us revive our hearts with the climate of mercy. Let's offer compassion and mercy to all humanity starting from our environment. Our supplication from Allah (swt) is to make Islam a land of peace and tranquility and to ensure unity among the believers,” Kaya emphasized.

The Prophet’s Lovers Foundation, in conclusion, extends warm congratulations on the occasion of Laylat al-Raghaib, expressing sincere hopes that this sacred time will serve as a catalyst for goodness, compassion, and positive deeds across the Islamic world. (ILKHA)

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