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Hizbullah Jamaah Leader Edip Gümüş expresses strong support for Operation Al Aqsa Flood
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In his statement, Gümüş declared unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian mujahideen brothers, specifically mentioning HAMAS and Islamic Jihad. He pledged the group's commitment with their "property, life, and blood," emphasizing that they are prepared to extend both financial and moral support.

The full text of Edip Gümüş's statement reads:

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

“And soon will the unjust assailants know what vicissitudes their affairs will take!” (Surah Ash-Shu’ara Ayat 227)

May Allah be pleased with our brothers who executed and spearheaded the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, as well as their mothers, who nurtured them for these trying days. In the course of the operation, several of our brave and memorizer brothers became martyrs. May Allah unite us with our brothers and sisters who achieved martyrdom during the period of our struggle at the Pool of Kawthar.

Young brothers and sisters! The cause of Al-Aqsa and Al-Quds is no ordinary matter; it's a matter of deep belief for Muslims. Embracing and uniting around the cause of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Quds is crucial for achieving the unity of the Ummah, which has been scattered and conflicted. Muslims are obligated to engage in jihad for this cause. Prepare yourselves both materially and spiritually for the liberation of Al-Aqsa and Al-Quds. Pray fervently to become soldiers on the path to liberating Jerusalem. Stand in night prayers and supplicate to Allah for strength and guidance. Symbolize your commitment by putting on your white shrouds and gathering in public squares. Organize meetings in your universities and schools, actively informing and raising awareness among fellow young people.

My brothers and sisters! The cause of Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem holds profound significance for Muslims. During your prayers, extend your prostrations, open your hands to the sky, and implore your Lord with tears in your eyes. Pray fervently for His assistance to the mujahideen, for the descent of His blessings, and for their ultimate victory. Make sure that this sacred cause becomes a priority for every individual in our nation. To my sisters, nurture your children to be righteous, pious, knowledgeable, and mujahideen who will actively engage in the struggle for Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem. Your sisters in Palestine are giving birth to numerous children, hoping that they may sacrifice two or three martyrs in the path of Allah.

O Beloved sons of the Ummah! Heed the call to Jihad! Run for Jihad, run for salvation! Do not abandon your brothers in Gaza, especially those among you in the neighboring Islamic lands close to Palestine. Disregard the borders between countries, unite in masses, and join your Palestinian mujahideen brothers. This is not a time for waiting or making excuses. Come together like flowing waters with those who are sweeping away the Zionist enemy, who are like hollow logs. As our Lord says in the Qur'an: 'How is it that you do not fight in the way of Allah and in support of the helpless – men, women, and children – who pray: 'Our Lord, bring us out of this land whose people are oppressors and appoint for us from Yourself, a protector, and appoint for us from Yourself a helper'?' (Surah An-Nisa Ayat 75).

Beloved sons of the Ummah! Stand up for Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Quds. Hasten to support your heroic mujahideen brothers in Palestine with the rallying cry of martyrdom or victory, and explore ways to reach them. Stand side by side with the mujahideen against the Zionist enemy. Those lacking the means or facing unfavorable conditions should strive to create the necessary means and conditions. Emulate the bravery of figures like Hz. Ali, Hz. Hamza, and Hz. Abu Dujane against the Zionists. Follow in the footsteps of Saladin Ayyubi and contribute to the liberation of Jerusalem, or at least play a part. Be inspired by figures such as Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, Sheikh Ahmed Yasin, Fathi Shikaki, Yahya Ayyash, Abbas Mousavi—strike fear into the hearts of the Zionists. Our brothers in Gaza deserve victory, and if we prove worthy, my Lord will make the Zionists experience a fate similar to Khaybar. Inshallah, what befell Beni Kaynuka and Beni Qurayza will befall the Zionists. The concrete walls and iron domes they believe will protect them will, Inshallah, crumble upon them. As Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) said: 'You will certainly fight the Jews. The battle will be so fierce that even a stone will say: 'O Muslim! That is a Jew behind me! Come and kill him too.' (Muslim, Fiten)"

Brothers and sisters! stand in support of your brethren in Palestine with your wealth. They are among the most oppressed on Earth, defending the honor and dignity of the Ummah as if it were their own. Equip the mujahideen with weapons, assist their wives, mothers, children, and the orphans left behind. Emulate the generosity of Abu Bakr, Uthman, and A. Rahman b. Awf. My Lord will shower abundance upon your wealth and reward you manifold.

The Zionists are cowards relying on the United States and other imperialist powers. With this backing, they unleash bombs on the heads of Muslims, destroying homes without regard for children, women, and the elderly. They set crops and generations ablaze. Placing our hopes in the U.S. is futile; true honor and strength only come from Allah. As our Lord declared in His sublime book: 'Glory belongs only to Allah, His Messenger, and the believers. But the hypocrites do not know.' (Surah Munafiqun Ayat 8). Even if they possess aircraft, missiles, conventional, biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons, we possess faith. Faith is the greatest blessing and power. " Some people argue, 'The Zionists and America are so powerful, how can HAMAS and Islamic Jihad oppose them and conduct operations against them?' Brothers and sisters! it is a mistake to speak and act solely based on materialistic logic, without considering the power and assistance of Allah. We have our Almighty Lord, the Most Powerful. If He wills and says 'be,' everything can change in an instant. History is filled with instances where smaller and weaker communities have triumphed over larger and more powerful ones. Prepare yourselves, engage in jihad, seek ways to participate, and then place your trust in your Lord.

As Hezbollah Jamaah, we declare to the entire world that we stand in solidarity with our Palestinian mujahideen brothers—HAMAS and Islamic Jihad—with our wealth, lives, and blood. We are committed to supporting them in every possible way, both financially and morally. We extend an invitation to all Muslim individuals, Islamic communities, sects, orders, NGOs, and Islamic countries to join in the jihad for Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem. Today, words fall short; it is not the time for talk or rhetoric but the time for decisive action.

O the rulers of Islamic countries! Set aside your internal conflicts and national interests. Contribute funds, weapons, and training to support the Palestinian jihad. Do not impede those who are heading for the struggle; instead, provide them with training and open your borders. Allow the sons of the Ummah to unite in the mission of liberating Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem from the Zionist occupation. Do not be intimidated by the zionists and their guardian, the United States. Our Lord possesses the ability to shatter their fragile power.

HasbunAllahu wa ni'mal wakeel; Ni'mal maula wani'man Naseer!  (Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Guardian; What an excellent Protector and what an excellent Helper).

Your Brother, Edip Gümüş.                                          (ILKHA)                                

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