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International Muslim scholars condemn French interior minister's remarks on Islam
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The statement, which follows closely in the wake of Minister Darmanin's remarks on May 20, 2023, in which he asserted that "Sunni Islamic terrorism" poses the greatest threat to France, highlights the growing concern among Muslim scholars regarding the expansion of incitement and hostility. The French Minister's attempt to impose his misguided perspective on other Western nations, even delivering these remarks during his visit to the United States under the guise of security coordination, has particularly alarmed the endorsers of the statement.

The Muslim scholars emphasize that such provocative rhetoric is unfortunately not unfamiliar when it comes to the French Minister of Interior and certain government officials. They argue that it reflects a tone that embraces the methodology of collectively stigmatizing identities, contradicting the principles upheld by divine laws and applicable regulations. The deliberate use of unjust generalizations and the maligning of the religion of Islam in an attempt to suppress its growing social and cultural influence in France and other Western nations is deeply concerning.

Of particular distress is the deliberate targeting of Sunni Muslims through distortion and defamation. The scholars underscore that Sunni Muslims constitute the vast majority of the Muslim community, having played a pivotal role in shaping the history of Islam and contributing to its rich civilization. By associating them with terrorism, Minister Darmanin's remarks are seen as a deliberate strategy of marginalization that contradicts the principles upheld by divine laws and just regulations. The scholars emphasize that the minister's biased mentality, narrow political perspective, and desire to assert French cultural authenticity and racial purity are evident in his inflammatory remarks.

The statement further condemns Minister Darmanin's intention to isolate Muslims from French society and the application of double standards in their treatment. The scholars assert that such actions erect psychological barriers that impede genuine human interaction and hinder a true understanding of Islam. This approach obstructs the dissemination of Islamic teachings, preventing its light from reaching people's hearts in an atmosphere of coexistence, tranquility, and constructive dialogue. The statement draws attention to the minister's consistent display of marginalization and double standards, exemplified by his visit to Paris' largest synagogues in 2020, where he proclaimed that "an attack on Jews in France is an attack on the Republic." The scholars argue that, regrettably, he has consistently failed to extend the same just treatment to Muslims, instead exhibiting hostility towards them. The controversial "Islamic separatism law" spearheaded by the minister in 2021 is highlighted as an unjust measure that accuses French Muslims of fostering separatism and infringes upon their human rights, aiming to confine them within the margins of French and European society.

The statement categorically rejects Minister Gérald Darmanin's inflammatory remarks associating terrorism with Islam and the Sunni Muslim community as a whole. The scholars call upon the French political elite to relinquish their cultural dominance when engaging with Muslims and to uphold respect for the religion of Islam, its beliefs, values, and other faiths on an equal footing.

Emphasizing the lawful, legitimate, and integral presence of Islam in France, regardless of those who fuel religious and civilizational conflicts, the scholars urge French and Western Muslims to actively participate in political activities, raise their voices, enhance their visibility in the public sphere, and seek legal avenues to counter biased stances and provocative statements.

Additionally, the statement urges Muslims worldwide to firmly stand against the marginalization faced by French Muslims, confronting campaigns of defamation and slander through peaceful and legal means.

In conclusion, the scholars remind Minister Gérald Darmanin and other far-right leaders that such provocative statements will only deepen divisions and harm the entire French society, including the Muslim community in France and the two billion Muslims worldwide. They warn of the negative repercussions that these statements will have across political, economic, and social realms.

The statement has garnered widespread support from various prominent Muslim organizations and institutions, including the International Union of Muslim Scholars, ITTIHADUL ULEMA, the International Organization to Support the Prophet of Islam, the Libyan Fatwa Association, the Council of Preachers in Lebanon, and many others. (ILKHA)

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