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Erdoğan: We see investments in transportation as fundamental infrastructure for development
Google News'te Doğruhaber'e abone olun. 

Speaking at the opening ceremony of Ağrı Hamur-Tutak-Patnos State Road, President Erdoğan said: “With a 79-kilometers-long, two-lane double road, we are introducing fast, comfortable and safe transportation along this important route of the historical Silk Road.”

“We regard investments on transportation to be a fundamental infrastructure for development”

Noting that the recent investments ushered in a new era in the region, which had been a fountain of science, art, and wisdom throughout history, Erdoğan said: “As we always say, we regard investments on transportation to be a fundamental infrastructure for development.”

“We have worked to ensure equal opportunities across Türkiye

“By realizing similar investments in all fields, from education to healthcare, from energy to urbanization, we have worked to ensure equal opportunities across Türkiye,” Erdoğan said. “Today, industry and trade do not concentrate in certain regions in Türkiye. They expand to all our 81 provinces. The fact that every one of our provinces are now exporters is a testimony to this reality. After we pushed the terror threat out of our borders, we now see significant investment activities in our Eastern Anatolian Region.”

“Since the Manzikert, we have spent every day in Anatolia fighting against traps, plots, and attacks, carried out under different guises by those who begrudged us this homeland. The same understanding lies behind the disregard for the long-occupied lands of our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters, who are right across our borders. Regional countries can foil these sinister and hypocritical plots only if they act together in unity and solidarity.” (ILKHA)


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