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We do what Islam requires us to do, Erdoğan says
Google News'te Doğruhaber'e abone olun. 

Erdoğan made a speech at the event. Underscoring that Türkiye’s heart beat wherever there was a Muslim in the world, from Asia, Africa and the Caucasus to the Balkans, the Indian Ocean and Western Sahara, President Erdoğan noted that with that understanding as the country they endeavored to heal wherever there was a bleeding wound in the world, from Somalia and Libya to Pakistan and Ukraine.

“We rush to the aid of the needy, the poor”

Drawing attention to the development aids and humanitarian diplomacy activities Türkiye had been carrying out all across the world, President Erdoğan said: “We rank number one in the world in helping the oppressed. It is not the U.S. nor the West, it is us. We mean this understanding ordered us by our faith when we say the world is bigger than five, and a fairer world is possible. With such institutions of ours as the Presidency of Religious Affairs (Diyanet), TİKA, AFAD and other nongovernmental organizations, we rush to the aid of the needy, the poor in need of a bit of bread, and the oppressed people whose underground and aboveground resources are exploited by imperialists.”

“We do what Islam requires us to do”

Pointing to hate crimes that spread like a plague, social and political turmoils, murderous acts that targeted innocent children and the alarming degree of animosity towards Islam and foreigners in the West, Erdoğan stated: “We all see how Greek ferries bury those poor, innocent people into the Aegean and the Mediterranean, don’t we? Indeed, we do. That being the case, does anyone raise their voice in the world? No. However, our frigates rush to their aid, reach them and save them from the seas. Because, we are Muslims and we do what Islam requires us to do. And yet, Prime Minister of Greece now asks for help from the U.S. Against what does he ask for help? Against Türkiye. Whatever you do, we will always do what we need to do, and always stand ready to do.”

“There is no difference between FETO and DAESH”

Also touching upon such warped groups as DAESH and FETO, Erdoğan went on to say: “The purpose of these groups is to exploit religious notions and act as a tool of imperialists. Although they look different in appearance, there is absolutely no difference between FETO and DAESH. They are the soul mates of one another. Just like PKK, these are all pawns unleashed in different appearances and rhetoric by circles that nurture enmity towards Islam and Muslims. We know well who holds the halter of those gangs of murderers. We do not forget the night of July 15, when our 252 children, citizens died a martyr’s death, nor will we. We do not forget 2,200 ghazis of ours.” (ILKHA)

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