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Türkiye launches book on UN reform
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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that Türkiye has been paving the way for the establishment of a more just global order and added: "We have achieved significant diplomatic success in ending the Russia-Ukraine War and establishing a grain corridor that will alleviate the global food crisis. We will continue to make the same efforts to introduce the necessary United Nations (UN) reforms."

The book, whose preface was written by Erdoğan and published in English and Turkish, addresses the failure of the United Nations and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), founded after World War II, to find solutions to the issues of the present.

The book discusses the reasons for UN reform and includes Erdoğan's reform proposals and discourses.

The study is divided into three chapters: "Why Is UN Reform Necessary?" "The Importance of the United Nations in the Field of International Peace, Peacekeeping, and Humanity's Problems," and "Reasons and Proposals for UN Reform."

The book's first chapter addresses the overall structure of the United Nations and contains the UN's report on humanitarian crises and peacekeeping. It highlights instances in which the UN had been inadequate and insufficient in humanitarian crises and peacekeeping missions, using the Bosnian War as an example.

The second chapter explores the current problems of humanity and the global system, as well as the potential international issues that may emerge in the future and provides an in-depth analysis of the global problems that the UN and the international community will encounter.

The book's final chapter discusses the reasons for UN reform and reform recommendations for the UNSC. It specifically addresses the legitimacy of the UN system, issues posed by the five permanent members of the UNSC, and their use of veto power. This section also examines Türkiye's vision for UN reform, as presented in Erdoğan's book "A Fairer World Is Possible."

"The UN must implement a system where the right is strong rather than the strong is right"

Stating, in the preface of the book, that problems encountered in any part of the world could quickly lead to consequences that affect all humanity, Erdoğan remarked that issues such as climate change, global warming, famine, thirst, irregular migration movements, and terrorism posed serious threats to global peace and stability.

Emphasizing that it is essential to find global solutions to global issues in collaboration using a fair and realistic approach, Erdoğan said that in the current international system, which only protects and grants privileges to developed countries, disadvantaged countries are crushed under the weight of an unfair burden imposed on their shoulders by an unjust global structure, particularly because the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council use their veto power for their own interests.

Erdoğan reiterated that to leave a livable world for future generations, the entire world must not turn its back on disadvantaged regions and to ensure justice, it must act in coordination with voluntary cooperation.

Erdoğan underlined that as a result, the United Nations, the world's most important institution for maintaining peace and ensuring security, must implement a system where all of humanity is prioritised and where the right is strong rather than the strong is right and made the following remarks:

A UN Security Council that acts on the priorities of only five permanent members cannot prevent conflicts and establish peace, stability, and security. We regard insisting on a system that is incapable of creating a fairer world for the present and the future as complicity in a crime against humanity. Türkiye has been repeatedly and explicitly stating that radical reform is required for the United Nations to fulfil its mission and address the conditions, threats, security concerns, and needs of today. The principles we shared with the international community on every platform for the restructuring of the UN, based on the mottos 'The world is bigger than five' and 'A fairer world is possible,' have become the feelings of not only us but also of the majority of countries under the umbrella of the UN.

"Türkiye will continue to pave the way for the establishment of a more just, equal, and stable global order"

Referring to Türkiye's recent diplomatic efforts in his preface, Erdoğan said:

"As Türkiye, we have recently achieved significant diplomatic success in ending the Russia-Ukraine war and establishing a grain corridor that will alleviate the global food crisis caused by this conflict. We will continue to make the same efforts to introduce the necessary UN reforms and meet the world's need for justice.

Türkiye, which has always been a strong solution partner in the face of global problems ranging from food security to terrorism, wars and conflicts to refugee issues, pandemics to climate change, will continue to pave the way for the establishment of a more just, equal, and stable global order." (ILKHA)

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