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International Quds Week ends with final declaration
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The Higher Committee of the International Quds Week with the participation of many Islamic scholars and institutions from across the world, including ITTIHADUL ULEMA and the Prophet’s Lovers Foundation, concluded its activities and once again affirmed that the defense of Palestine protects the whole Islamic Ummah.

The Higher Committee of the International Quds Week issued its final statement, which affirmed a number of constants related to the issue of Quds and the blessed Aqsa Masjid, including that the whole nation especially the scholars, held hopes after Allah Almighty for the people of Palestine to keep the struggle of the issue continuing, as well as emphasizing their unlimited support for the heroic people and their partnership with them in the arenas of redemption and sacrifice.

The week witnessed the participation of hundreds of institutions, individuals, and civil society organizations from more than 45 countries around the world, for the second year in a row, which covered the Palestinian issue scientifically, politically, and socially, in addition to the media and cultural aspect through many activities in many parts of the Islamic world.

As the Arabic version of the final declaration was read oud by Hasan Selman, a member of the Eritrea Scholars Association, the Turkish version was read out by Suat Yaşasın, the Deputy Chairman of ITTIHADUL ULEMA (the Union of Scholars and Madrasahs).

Here is the full text of the final declaration closing statement:

The Final statement of the Global Quds Week

Praise be to Allah, and blessings and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad, his family and companions, and those who followed them in goodness until the Day of Judgment; And yet:

Many institutions and associations from different countries of the Islamic world and with different segments, led by scholars and preachers, institutions and individuals, have responded to the calls of Quds that have been hardened by wounds, and the distress of Al-Aqsa in which the Zionists seek to destroy and burn it, and the cries of Palestine suffering from the occupation of the enemy and the betrayal of some of its affiliates to the nation.

By the grace of Allah Almighty, the International Quds Week completed its activities at the level of the entire nation in the period between Rajab 24-1 Sha’ban 1443 AH corresponding to 2/2-4/3/2022 CE with the participation of more than 360 international and local institutions from 45 countries, in addition to thousands of free people who interacted with this global periodic event by all means, through creative activities, and at the conclusion of the days of the International Quds Week, the participants affirm the following:

First: Greetings to the people of heroism in beloved Palestine, who are stationed in Quds , defending the first of the two Qiblas, the path of the messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, besieged in the honorable Gaza, the steadfast in the heroic West Bank, and rooted in their land and our occupied land in 1948 AD, and they affirm that the whole nation especially the scholars, after Allah Almighty, place hopes on the people of Palestine for heroism and redemption in keeping the cause of the issue continuing.

Second: The participants in the International Quds Week express their highest feelings of greeting and love to the valiant resistance on the land of Palestine, and they affirm the support of scholars and the Islamic nation around this valiant resistance, and the necessity of the nation’s rallying around this resistance, which represents an outstanding model in repelling the Zionist aggression, deterring and insulting it.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful: “Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people.” Surah At-Taubah 14

Third: The participants in the International Quds Week affirm that Palestine is the cause of the entire nation and is in the heart of every Muslim and free citizen, and that Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa are not the property or right of the Palestinians alone, but rather of the entire Islamic nation, that the Zionist entity is an occupying, usurping entity that is hostile to the entire nation and not for Palestine and its people, and this strange, intrusive entity cannot have the right to exist or establish its so-called state on the land of Palestine, even if the whole world recognizes it.

Fourth: The participants in the International Quds Week affirm that the scramble practiced by some regimes to normalize in all its political, economic, academic and cultural forms with the Zionist entity is a betrayal of Allah, His Messenger and the believers, and a betrayal of Quds and the blessed Aqsa Masjid. And they demand these regimes to stop this shameful rush towards the Zionist entity, which will not bring them the security of their thrones and their positions and will be a disgrace to them in this world and the hereafter.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful: “You who have believed, do not take My enemies and your enemies as allies, extending to them affection while they have disbelieved in what came to you of the truth, having driven out the Prophet and yourselves [only] because you believe in Allah, your Lord. If you have come out for jihad in My cause and seeking means to My approval, [take them not as friends]. You confide to them affection, but I am most knowing of what you have concealed and what you have declared. And whoever does it among you has certainly strayed from the soundness of the way”. Surat Al-Mumtahinah 1

Fifth: The participants stress the necessity of the role of scholars and preachers in the various countries of the Islamic nation in the legitimate rooting and advocacy of the dangers of normalization and activating the pulpit role in confronting attempts and calls for normalization with the Zionists, and in supporting the path of the Prophet, may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, and the city of Quds. The participants call upon scholars and preachers to have a role in confronting normalization projects and protecting Islamic societies from normalization intrusion.

Sixth: The participants in the International Quds Week condemn the continuous Zionist incursions into the blessed Aqsa Masjid and the attack on the cemeteries and the Islamic endowments, and they call upon the effective and ruling institutions in the countries of the Islamic world to take urgent action to stop the process of Judaization and division in time and space that the Zionist occupation forces are working to perpetuate in the blessed Aqsa Masjid.

Seventh: The participants in the International Quds Week call on the free people of the nation at the level of institutions and individuals, whether scientific, political, media, and official and civil society institutions, to include Palestine in their plans and place Quds at the top of their agenda. They affirm that the defense of Palestine protects the entire nation and that confronting the entity of the zionists is facing a threat to all Muslim countries without exception.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful: "Work (righteousness): Soon will Allah observe your work, and His Messenger, and the Believers: Soon will ye be brought back to the knower of what is hidden and what is open: then will He show you the truth of all that ye did."

Higher Committee of the International Quds Week                                                                                      (ILKHA)

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