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Iranian President: We firmly want the JCPOA to remain
Google News'te Doğruhaber'e abone olun. 

“The enemies claimed falsely that Iran's activities are not peaceful, and under this pretext, they issued various resolutions, including 2231, against our country, which pushed us to the brink of war. At the same time, we pursue the peaceful nature of our activities based on the moral, religious duty, and fatwas of the Supreme Leader, and also, according to the NPT, our activities should be peaceful. Therefore, we want to have a peaceful activity,” Rouhani said

Rouhani also stated that the role of international institutions and organizations is very effective in confirming the peaceful nuclear activities, and said: "The International Atomic Energy Agency was established for this purpose and when the organization declared that Iran's activities were peaceful, the weapon was taken from the enemy”.

“One of the important effects of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was that it took this weapon from the enemy because the entire pretext of the enemy was the PMD case and this government closed the case”. Rouhani added.

Emphasizing that the whole world should know that Iran is firmly present in the JCPOA, Rouhani said: “We are committed to the principle of the deal and we will protect it with all our might. If we did not have patience, there would be no JCPOA left today and the world should know that Today, the JCPOA is alive because of the patience of the Iranian nation”.

“Iran's relationship with the International Atomic Energy Agency is very important to give weight to our words in the world and public opinion,” Rouhani underlined.

Rouhani said: “One of the places where Trump failed was that he wanted to act against our country through the International Atomic Energy Agency, but the agency resisted him, and in recent months, when three European countries wanted to condemn Iran, the IAEA supported Iran and their conspiracy was thwarted, so the relationship with the IAEA and the UN is very important”.

“If anyone wants to violate the agreement between the Iranian government and the International Atomic Energy Agency, this is undoubtedly a game on enemy's court, and it is clear that the goals of others are being implemented there”.

Addressing the parties to the JCPOA, Rouhani said: “We are a nation, a government, and a system that either does not accept anything and if we accept, we will abide by our commitment and this is part of the morality, religion, and culture of the Iranian nation”.

He also said: “We signed the JCPOA and we stood by it well, but you never fulfilled your commitments, and if there is talk of the JCPOA in the world today, it is because of the people of Iran, and this is the chair that we kept”.

” Today, we firmly want the JCPOA to remain, and we are in a situation where the survival and vitality of the deal is based on the United States giving up economic terrorism,” Rouhani emphasized.

Pointing out that the new US administration has explicitly stated that maximum pressure on Iran has failed and that all of Trump's actions were unwise, Rouhani said:” The new US administration is doing a good job, but what matters is whether it wants to continue on terrorist activities or it accepts that Trump was a terrorist and a crime was committed against the Iranian nation or not. Undoubtedly, the first step is to stop the crime”.

Rouhani added: “You have not yet released Iran's bank accounts, and while you announced on the first day that you would help everyone fight coronavirus, you have not yet done so in relation to Iran. So, we expect you to do what you say, and the new US administration to stop the economic terrorist operations. When this happens, the path will be clear, the chair will come to its previous place, and we will talk”.

“We talk IN the JCPOA, not ON the JCPOA,” Rouhani concluded. (ILKHA)

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