Responds to the EP's report on Turkiye
Turkish Presidential spokesman and the Foreign Ministry responded to the European Parliament's report, which envisages the suspension of accession negotiations with Turkiye.
The European Parliament adopted a report on Turkiye that recommending suspension of membership negotiations.
The EP's report, which was adopted by parliamentarians and passed on to the decision, was asked to redefine relations within the context of an effective partnership, except for the proposal to suspend negotiations.
Respond from Ankara came immediately after the European Parliament approves the report.
Presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalın said the decision was an attempt to undermine Turkiye-EU relations, which has gained momentum again.
Stating that this is one of the worrying manifestations of the narrowing of vision in European politics, Kalın pointed out that this recommendation adopted by 370 yes votes do not represent the common will of the 751 EP member.
"This decision, which has been voted by the European Parliament and which has no binding, is one-sided and far from being an objective decision which is void for us," Kalın said.
A statement on the decision by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs said "We do not attribute any value to this unilateral and by no means objective stance of the European Parliament when we are in a period of increasing our common efforts to put Turkiye-EU relations back on track and restarting the reform process while we leave behind the trauma of the heinous coup attempt of 15 July. Hence, the Resolution is deemed meaningless on our end."
"On the other hand, the high number of votes against and abstentions indicates that this Resolution has no solid ground within the European Parliament of 751 members," the statement read.
Turkish Foreign Ministry said the report contradicts the respect for elections to which Turkiye adhere in Europe by pointing out of the adoption of this biased and unfair report during the European Parliament election period and just before the local elections in Turkiye in particular, as well as the meeting of the Turkiye-EU Association Council to be held nearly after four years.
"We find it concerning for the EU’s future and our common values that the extreme right and left wings starting to dominate the European Parliament have turned this report into an exclusionary, discriminatory and populist text which does not reflect the reality."
"Instead of encouraging the elimination of political obstacles to the negotiation process, this and similar initiatives prepared in cooperation with those opposed to the European integration and our common values, contradict the values represented by an EU institution."
"The European Parliament’s stance on Turkiye should aim to develop Turkiye-EU relations, interaction, and dialogue."
"We expect the new European Parliament which will be constituted following elections in May to adopt a constructive approach on Turkiye-EU relations in the forthcoming period, to take qualified and objective decisions and to promote Turkiye’s integration with the EU," said Foreign Ministry at the end of the statement. (ILKHA)