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Condolence visit to Akbalık family from Yapicioglu
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HUDA PAR Chairman Zekeriya Yapicioglu and his delegation attended to the condolence of Hüseyin Akbalık, who lost his life because of brain tumor disease. Hüseyin Akbalık was kept in prison for 24 years because of his Islamic identity.

Yapıcıoğlu expressed his wishes for patience to the family of Akbalık who accepted condolences in the Second Mosque in Nusaybin's Duruca Neighboring. The sad state of Yapicioglu didn’t escape from attentions.

Having visited the grave of Hüseyin Akbalık, which he was buried beside of his 18 year-old brother Abdurrahman Akbalık who had been martyred by the PKK while working on the field on July 2, 1992, Yapicioglu here, paid attention to the scarifications made by Hüseyin Akbalık.

"O devotion teacher!"

Yapicioglu said, "There is a story of our brother Hüseyin that maybe many people do not know. When they were detained him in 1994, the oppressors wanted to attract a lot of people into that darkness with the conspiracy they built. However, as far as I can tell, Hussein did not allow his Muslim siblings to fall into this well with him, by cutting their plot like a rope with a knife. He made such a sacrifice. He remained the sole sanction of the file formed on a grand conspiracy. He pulled all the lightning to himself so that his friends would not be hurt. I too have witnessed this for Allah. So I addressed him, "o devotion teacher“. He received a punishment that normally he did not deserve according to existing laws. He and we were not expecting that much punishment. According to that file, it should not have been given that much punishment. Perhaps those cruel said, 'Are you the one who fed himself to his brothers? Then let's cut the punishment for all of them to you." They gave him a life sentence on a file with no evidence in it."

"The oppressors will never reach their goals."

Yapicioglu continued his words as follows:

"Allah willing, this brother who sacrificed his whole life for the cause of Allah will be entertained in eternal heaven. Those whose soul are taken before they feel regrets of their persecution will also be burned in hell so that they will not come out of forever. They can punish for lifetime. They can try to get what they want from this world. They can try to make the life miserable on this world for the righteous servants of Allah. The righteous servants of Allah will never take a step back. The oppressors will never reach their goals."

HUDA PAR Chairman Yapicioglu then visited the 86-year-old mother, Meryem Akbalık, who had lost a son slaughtered by PKK and the other son, who was unfairly arrested and captured in prisons. Emotional moments observed while in there during the visit, it was seen that Yapicioglu could not control his tears.

Painful mother Akbalık said, "Praise be to Allah, my son was a gift of Allah gave and then took. Praise be to Allah that he sacrificed his life on the path of Allah. I have lost two cherries of my cheek on the path of Allah.

"These saints are leaving a great pain and sorrow in our hearts and they go"

Speaking at the condolence visit, HUDA PAR Deputy Chairman M. Bahattin Temel underlined that those who shouldered the precious Islamic cause are being convicted on the established plots crimes, a situation that disturbs consciences and imposes heavy obligations on the Muslims who are behind.

"When such saintly people leave us, they leave a great deal of pain and sorrow in our hearts. But we are sure that; their patience and persistence on the truth, troubles they face on the path of Prophet Mohammad and their patience comforts us. (ILKHA)

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