We curse each idea that motivates its opinion and discourse by blood
Mustazafs Society Headquarters, emphasized in its statement about the attack at a wedding in Gaziantep that they curse each idea and discourse that motivated by blood.
A statement has been released by Mustazafs Society Headquarters about the attack at a street wedding in which 54 people lost their lives and dozens are wounded.
"We continue seeing the agonizing face of the wildness and barbarism in different cities, either in the dark of night or in the innocent moments of the day." Has been said and the following expressions were used:
"Attacks in Diyarbakir, Kiziltepe, Van, Midyat and following one Gaziantep once again overwhelmed us into the pain. We curse again those scurviest creatures for causing the screams of children, and the tears of mournful women who beat their breasts on their funerals."
Oppressed people are the best to recognize tyrants no matter how they try to hide their real face
In the continuing of the statement they emphasized that people must never get in desperate against attacks, "A big massacre happened in Gaziantep by those creatures who lost all their sense of shame jauntily of humanity. The attack in Gaziantep that 54 people lost their lives, as well wounded is inflicted a deep wound that unrepairable and unforgettable. We pass through a process that words are not enough to describe the brutality happened recently. Wolves are getting out from their dens and targeting our people in different views. Killers who got out from the tyrant's incubations, carelessly spill blood of oppressed people. Those murderers which imposed on Islamic geography must know that our people won't remain unreactive against the atrocity they do. Oppressed people are the best to recognize tyrants, doesn’t matter how they hide their real face. Our Muslims people must never get in desperate. They must be on full alert by trusting in Allah against every mood of those chameleon types cruel. They must resist with the patience and constancy against those murderer puppets and those who playing them." expressions were used.
Those who waft the flowing blood to their mill must be seen and must have spit in their face
There were strong criticism in the statement to the groups who take positions with the color of massacres, "We watch in surprise these betrayers' categorizing the deaths; slobbering the bones given by imperialists and attacking their society like hyenas regardless of babies, kids, women, young men, and elderly people. Those senselessness' who try for political gain according to the colors of hyenas, of course one day will see a severe public slap on their face. Those who waft the flowing blood to their mill must be seen and must have spit in their face." has been said.
Everyone must be aware that we have got to share the life
It is indicated in the statement that all segments of society must show strong reaction against the happen massacres, "We curse any kind of cruel without looking at their color, character, face who targeting oppressed people. We curse any idea that motivates its opinion and discourse by blood. We reject all ideas that dynamiting the society and cause discursion and instigation. We call to all segments to show their strong reaction against these barbarous attacks. Everyone must be aware that we have to share the life. The ideological position of murderers, shouldn’t be closed by a smoke screen on their atrocity, they mustn’t be showed as innocent. Murderers must be convicted with their crimes." expressions were used.
They gives condolences for those who lost their lives at the end of state, "as we Mustazafs Society, we wish mercy from Almighty Allah for those who lost their live in this hateful attack, we wish patience for wounded people and their families. Our persevering stand will disappoint their plans." has been said. (İLKHA)