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"Aytac Baran's martyrdom is a source of honor for us"
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Father of Yeni Ihya-Der association president Aytac Baran who was martyred as a result of armed attack on 29th June 2015 by PKK militants and his wife Gulsen Baran, indicated that Aytac Baran was person who was reading Quran, charity lover, merciful and someone that was loved by everyone and he was constantly desired martyrdom and got what he desired.

Massacred in Diyarbakir’s Yenisehir district by PKK militants as a result of assassination Yeni ihya-Der charity and solidarity association (Yeni ihya-Der) president Aytac Baran’s family, spoke on the 1st anniversary of martyrdom of Baran.

Indicating that despite her husband is not with them anymore, they are proud and honored Gulsen Baran, indicated that martyrdom of her husband is source of honor for them both in this world and next life.

Drawing attention to that her husband being lover of serving for Islam Gulsen Baran, indicated that no matter how much the persecutors try to get rid of precious people they won’t be successful.

Indicating that their case will continue until the Armageddon Baran, says: “We take refugee to holy justice of our god. Our god is revenge taker and Conqueror. I hope the bloods of martyrs will cause the awakening of ummah.”

“He was giving great importance to youth”

Indicating that her husband was constantly into the serving facilities Baran, says: “Therefore we couldn’t see him enough. He was regularly delivering support packages to poor and needy people. Especially he was giving great importance to youth. He was constantly repeating the word ‘The youths are our future’. When we called him for dinner, he was saying ‘The youth are waiting for me’ and he was trying to inform both the youth that was struggling for Islam and the ones that were distant with Islam. He was spending most of his time with youth in order to inform them about the dawah.

“My husband was constantly smiling to people; it was like he knew that he would be martyred”

Indicating that before his martyrdom her husband was constantly smiling Baran, says “In his last times my husband smiling and ‘saying it is very close now’ when I asked him ‘what is very close’ he was smiling and saying nothing. In his last times I was missing my husband so much it was like he was going to go to a long journey. I constantly wanted to sit next to him. In his time his face was extraordinary beautiful. Because at the time there were many attacks to the association, I thought it was because of devil’s specter. Sometimes he was asking me to ‘pray for me so that I will be martyred’ but because I couldn’t suit him with death I told him I am not going to make that kind of prayer. He was telling me ‘Even if you don’t pray for me to be martyred, Insha’Allah I will be a martyr’. Insha’Allah I will also grow my children within the Islamic manners so that they will go on the way of their father. I hope they will be an example person like their father and will complete their life on the way of Islam.”

“Revenge taker Allah will get our revenge from them.”

Indicating that the courts that should spread justice are in need of justice Baran, finally said: “When we went to the court case in Kayseri, they also released the last suspect was detained. As the courts should spread justice, they are in need of justice. We are sure that even if not in this world in the next one, on the big court we will get justice. Revenge taker Allah will get our revenge from them.”

“I am proud of my son”

Indicating that his son was very genuine person Aytac Baran’s father Mehmet Baran, indicated that the only word his son was saying when he was angry would be “I hope Allah will forgive you”

Father Baran, says: “When he was coming to our home to visit us, even if I wasn’t at home, he wouldn’t go back to home before coming to visit me in the downtown. Rather than a sons, he was a like a friend for me. His morality was like khalif Osman’s (AMH) morality. He would even treat a little child with respect. I am proud of my son. When he was little he was looking after his brothers and sisters.”

Indicating that his son was helping people regardless to their ideologies Baran, says: “He would buy skullcap and rosary as present for his brothers. Since he was little he loved Quran and Islam. He was a lover of Quran. He wasn’t making any discrimination amongst the poor people. Constantly he was telling me ‘Father if you have money we should help poor people’. Amongst the families he helped even there were families who were PKK fans. When he was seeing a person in need he wanted to give his clothes as present and I accepted. When I decided to go umrah, in order to surprise him 3 days before the umrah  I told him that I wanted to go umrah. When he heard that I was going for umrah, he was as happy as a child who found their toys that they found.”

Drawing attention to that before being martyred his son was all the time asking for forgiveness Baran, says: “In his last times he constantly was asking us to pray for him. He was saying: ‘It is the mortal world, please forgive your rights’. His voice was very nice; his cassette was always in my pocket. My wife was reading Quran as well, he was joking with his mother who is reciting Quran nicer.

“We don’t have any belief to courts anymore”

Indicating that Aytac Baran didn’t have any enemies, but even he was loved and respected by everyone father Baran, reacted to court process y saying: I refer those who attacked my son to Allah. My son didn’t have any enemies, even he convinced youth that attacked the association bureau and they changed their minds. How could they attack someone with this kind of morality? Those who attacked him cannot be humans. Despite the courts should arrest those who are in the background of the attack, they even released the last person was detained. We don’t have any belief left towards courts. I refer them to the justice of Allah.” (ILKHA) 

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