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Islamic scholars call for global Muslim unity to defend Al-Quds and Gaza
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Held at the Saladin Ayyub Mosque Complex Conference Hall in Yenişehir, Diyarbakır, the two-day conference brought together distinguished Islamic scholars from various countries including Iraq, Palestine, Egypt, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia. With the theme "The Aqsa Flood, the Ummah, and the Ulema's Responsibility," the event emphasized the critical role that the global Muslim community plays in defending one of Islam’s most sacred sites.

The final declaration, which consists of 20 key points, was read in Turkish by ITTIHADUL ULEMA member Ramazan İnan, in Arabic by Fatih Varol, and in Kurdish by Yusuf Yalçınkaya. It laid out the religious, historical, and political imperatives that unite Muslims in their defense of Al-Quds, with special attention to the recent developments in Gaza, described as “the honor of the Ummah.”

Al-Quds: The Spiritual and Sacred Responsibility of Every Muslim

At the heart of the declaration is the assertion that Al-Quds is a profoundly sacred site for Muslims, as the first Qibla and the place where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) led all other prophets in prayer during the Isra and Miraj. The defense of Al-Quds, according to the scholars, transcends political boundaries and is a religious duty for all Muslims. "We cannot remain passive or indifferent while our beloved city is trampled underfoot by the murderers of the Prophets," the declaration states.

The scholars further linked the current situation in Gaza to the legacy of Islamic resistance, comparing the modern-day struggle to the historic efforts of Saladin al-Ayyub, who famously liberated Jerusalem from the Crusaders. They invoked the date of October 7, marking the start of Operation Aqsa Flood, as a reminder of this enduring spirit of jihad.

The Zionist Threat and the Global Muslim Response

In an uncompromising critique of Zionist aggression, the declaration denounced the Israeli occupation and its violent expansion into neighboring territories, including Lebanon. The scholars highlighted the global significance of the Palestinian resistance, calling on all Muslims to stand in solidarity with the "mujahideen of Al-Aqsa" and to recognize their struggle as one that transcends national borders. This cause, they argued, is not just a Palestinian issue but a universal fight for justice.

"The mujahideen of Al-Aqsa, courageous souls devoted to liberating humanity, sacrifice themselves not only for Palestine, Gaza, and Al-Quds but for the redemption of all humankind," the declaration proclaimed. This statement underscored the scholars' view that the conflict with Zionism is not merely political, but spiritual and moral in nature. They condemned the silence and inaction of world powers, criticizing the hypocrisy of those who claim to uphold justice while allowing the oppression of Palestinians to continue.

The Role of Ulema and Muslim Unity

A significant portion of the final declaration focused on the role of scholars (Ulema) in mobilizing the Ummah. As heirs of the Prophets, the Ulema have a sacred duty to guide the Muslim community in times of crisis. The scholars emphasized that the ongoing struggle for Al-Quds and Palestine is not just a battle of arms but a spiritual and intellectual awakening. They urged their fellow scholars to unite the hearts and minds of Muslims and to awaken humanity to the oppression faced by the people of Gaza and Jerusalem.

"The Aqsa Flood must be recognized not only as a battle but as a profound awakening," the declaration stated. The scholars also highlighted the importance of Muslim unity, stating that when Muslims come together in truth, no earthly power can stand against them.

Condemnation of Muslim Leaders’ Complicity

The declaration also issued a stern warning to the leaders of Muslim nations who maintain relations with Israel. It called for an immediate cessation of political, military, and economic ties with the Zionist regime, beginning with Türkiye. The scholars implored Muslim leaders to abandon alliances with Israel and renounce their complicity in the oppression of Palestinians. "Leaders of Muslim nations must be cautioned to cease complicity in Israeli oppression, abandon alliances with the Zionists, and renounce betrayal," they warned.

Economic Resistance and the Call for Boycotts

Another significant call to action in the declaration was the call for a global boycott of Zionist goods and companies that support the Israeli occupation. The scholars urged Muslims worldwide to avoid any products that would contribute to the suffering of their Palestinian brethren, stating that violating this boycott would make Muslims complicit in the oppression. They called for all resources to be directed toward supporting the resistance in Gaza.

A Global Call for Justice

The declaration ended on a powerful note, reinforcing the idea that the Aqsa Flood is not a one-time event but a manifestation of the Islamic spirit of resistance that continues to burn in the hearts of Muslims. The scholars stressed that the liberation of Palestine, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa Mosque is the foremost duty of every Muslim, and they called for continued support for the people of Gaza until the occupation is dismantled.

"The Aqsa Flood is not a fleeting event; it embodies the enduring Islamic spirit and the deep-seated will of resistance that resides in the hearts of Muslims," they concluded.

In their closing remarks, the scholars of the 9th Meeting of Scholars left no doubt about their commitment to the cause of Palestine and Jerusalem. Their final declaration serves as both a rallying cry and a roadmap for the global Muslim community, urging unity, resistance, and unwavering support for those standing against Zionist oppression.

The full text of the final declaration is as follows:


All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all worlds, and peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, his Ahl al-Bayt, his Companions, and all believers who steadfastly follow their path.

With Allah's grace, we convened the 9th Gathering of Scholars on the theme “The Aqsa Flood, the Ummah, and the Ulema's Responsibility (The Honor of the Ummah is Gaza)” on October 5-6, 2024 (2-3 Rabi al-Awwal 1446) at the Saladin Ayyub Mosque Complex Conference Hall in Yenişehir, Diyarbakır. Esteemed scholars from diverse countries gathered to share insights and reinforce our collective responsibility.

In light of our profound discussions, we present the following declaration to the Islamic scholarly community and the broader Ummah:

1. Al-Quds (Jerusalem) stands as our first Qibla and a sanctified site revered by all Prophets. It is the city where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) led the Prophets in prayer during the Miraj. Al-Quds is a deeply significant place, personally liberated by Caliph Umar. The defense of Al-Quds transcends individual affiliations and is a sacred duty for every Muslim. We cannot remain passive or indifferent while our beloved city is trampled underfoot by the murderers of the Prophets, those accursed forces that have plunged humanity into chaos.

2. October 7 marks the commencement of Operation Aqsa Flood and commemorates Saladin al-Ayyub's historic conquest of Al-Quds. The Aqsa Flood embodies the relentless spirit of jihad that has shaped Islamic history. Standing with the mujahideen of this flood is not merely a choice; it is a sacred obligation rooted in our faith in the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

3. In history, the Jews have slain Allah’s prophets; today, they inflict spiritual death upon humanity through immorality and enslavement. The mujahideen of Al-Aqsa, courageous souls devoted to liberating humanity, sacrifice themselves not only for Palestine, Gaza, and Al-Quds but for the redemption of all humankind. This noble cause transcends borders; to embody true humanity is to unite in solidarity with this sacred struggle.

4. The blood of every child, woman, and elder spilled in the sacred lands of Al-Aqsa is a clarion call, revealing the hypocrisy of those who profess to uphold justice. The claims of those who seek to deliver rights to humanity—these deceivers—are hollow. Muslims and scholars cannot turn a deaf ear to this call. We cannot continue our lives as if the tragedies unfolding in these holy lands do not exist. Those who remain indifferent will ultimately face the consequences of their inaction.

5. The Zionists' assaults on Lebanon and their encroachments into neighboring territories starkly reveal their insatiable ambitions. This brutal community harbors animosity toward both Muslims and humanity as a whole. Therefore, we implore the nations of the region, their peoples, and their scholars to awaken before the storm reaches your own children, before they too become victims of unrelenting bombardment. Stand resolutely beside the brave mujahideen engaged in a righteous jihad against the Zionist oppressors!

6. The last century has proven that human ideologies offer no salvation for Muslims. Seeking refuge in the conscience of the enemy has yielded no solutions. The Aqsa Flood has illuminated the existence of conscientious individuals worldwide who rise against tyrants seizing the earth's riches and controlling institutions like the United Nations Security Council.

7. Scholars, as heirs of the Prophets, bear the sacred duty to awaken the Ummah and humanity to resist the slayers of the Prophets. It is imperative for the Ulema to unite the hearts and minds of our people in the sacred cause of Al-Quds. The Aqsa Flood must be recognized not only as a battle but as a profound awakening—an opportunity for the Ummah and a chance for Islam’s message to resonate beyond our borders. We are entrusted to guide those whose consciences have been stirred by the sacrifices of the mujahideen and martyrs. Their awakened souls deserve the gift of faith, and we must be the means to that end.

8. Sultan Abdul Hamid Khan bequeathed the land of Palestine to protect it from Zionist encroachment—a testament to the trust placed upon the Ummah. Every Muslim must embrace Palestine as a personal cause, taking responsibility for their actions and inspiring their communities to uphold Al-Quds, for the cause of Jerusalem is too sacred to neglect.

9. The Muslim Kurdish community has historically played a vital role in defending Masjid al-Aqsa against the Crusaders and thwarting invasions by the Mongols. Today, they continue to demonstrate unwavering commitment and immense sacrifice in support of their brothers and sisters. We stand united against any efforts to undermine this resolve.

10. The mujahideen’s struggle in Palestine over the past year has proven that it is indeed possible to resist the savage Zionists, even when they wield all the resources stolen from humanity. With Allah’s permission, when we Muslims focus on each other's virtues rather than flaws and unite upon the truth, no earthly power can stand against us.

11. The suffering endured in numerous regions, particularly in Palestine, Lebanon, and East Turkestan, highlights the collective weakness of the Ummah. As it is said, "Any misfortune that befalls you is because of what your hands have wrought." Identifying the root causes of this weakness is essential; we must develop strategies to confront these challenges.

12. The true battle facing Muslims is not merely military defeat but the insidious intellectual and moral corruption within our communities. The tribulations we face are manifestations of this deeper malaise; only by addressing this can we hope to resolve our other challenges.

13. While despair may loom, scholars must stand as beacons of hope. They are tasked with instilling courage in leaders and communities, heralding the promise of brighter days ahead. As inheritors of the Prophets, scholars must rise to protect the honor and dignity of Islam in this century marked by disarray and a lack of leadership.

14. It is painfully clear that appeals to halt the brutalities of Zionist Israel have proven ineffective. The time has come to take decisive action and employ force against this oppressive regime.

15. Leaders of Muslim nations must be cautioned to cease complicity in Israeli oppression, abandon alliances with the Zionists, and renounce betrayal. All Islamic countries, starting with Türkiye, should cut off all political, military, and economic relations with the Zionist regime and impose an embargo.

16. The focus of Islamic revival in this century on the cause of Al-Quds illustrates that our societies' awakening will lead to the liberation of Al-Quds from occupation and awaken humanity against Zionism, freeing them from subservience. We must keep the issues surrounding Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque alive in the hearts of generations, alongside the tales of Gaza’s heroes and the flame of resistance against Zionist colonialism.

17. The Aqsa Flood has shown that suppressed rights cannot be reclaimed through any means other than jihad and honorable resistance. Indeed, "Man shall have nothing but what he strives for!" (Surah An-Najm, 39). Allah does not allow any effort to go to waste; every seed sown will bear fruit.

18. The blood flowing through the streets of Gaza will nourish generations who grasp the significance of every inch of Palestinian land through immense sacrifice. Not a single drop of blood, nor an inch of land, nor an olive branch shall be in vain. These generations will be the ones to restore rights to their rightful owners.

19. The Aqsa Flood is not a fleeting event; it embodies the enduring Islamic spirit and the deep-seated will of resistance that resides in the hearts of Muslims. Until the Israeli occupation is dismantled and Al-Aqsa Mosque, Al-Quds, and all of Palestine are liberated, our foremost duty as advocates for Islam must be to support this cause and stand unwaveringly with the people of Gaza.

20. We must resolutely boycott the goods of Zionists, along with the states and corporations that support them. Let us not stain our hands with the blood of our brethren by indulging in their products. By violating this boycott, we risk becoming unwitting accomplices in their tyranny. Instead, let us dedicate all our resources to aid and uplift our brothers valiantly resisting the oppression of Zionist brutality. (ILKHA)

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