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Diyarbakır's Islamic civil society urges Muslim leaders to confront Gaza genocide
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The call to action comes as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza reaches an alarming peak, with the massacre of civilians now entering its 11th month.

A Mass Appeal for Justice and Solidarity

The collective statement, delivered in front of Diyarbakır's historic Grand Mosque following Friday prayers, was a powerful expression of outrage and solidarity. It drew participation from numerous Islamic NGOs and was attended by a large number of citizens who came together to voice their condemnation of the atrocities being committed in Gaza.

The statement, which was characterized by its strong language and urgent tone, emphasized the unwavering determination of the people to see an end to the oppression. “We are determined as peoples, this oppression will end. Our position is clear, our stance is upright. We invite the states to be brave like the peoples,” the statement declared, highlighting the contrast between the courage of ordinary citizens and the perceived inaction of state leaders.

Courage of the People vs. Inaction of States

The vice president of the Özgür-Der Diyarbakır Branch, Mehmet Deniz, took center stage during the press conference, invoking a verse from the Quran to underscore the power of steadfastness in the face of overwhelming odds. “Many small communities have prevailed over many large communities with Allah's permission. Allah is with those who are patient (Surah al-Baqarah 219),” Deniz quoted, drawing a parallel between the resistance in Gaza and historic struggles for justice.

Deniz’s message was clear: the people of Gaza, and those who stand with them, are on the right side of history. He sharply criticized those who remain indifferent or supportive of the Israeli occupation, stating, “Shame on those who ignore the atrocities and genocide in Gaza! Shame on those who provide material and moral support to the Zionist occupation regime! We call on states to be brave like the peoples.”

A Dire Warning About the Costs of Inaction

The press statement also delivered a stark warning to those who choose to remain silent or neutral. “The price of not fulfilling our responsibilities will of course be heavy,” the statement warned. “For our future and independence, we are stuck between stopping the Zionist oppression and choosing humiliation, slavery, and cowardice. There is no third way.” This sentiment was echoed throughout the event, as speakers emphasized that the moral and ethical implications of inaction would have lasting consequences for future generations.

The organizations stressed that the ongoing atrocities in Gaza are not just a regional issue, but a global one that demands an urgent and unified response. They called for the Islamic world, particularly Turkey, to take the lead in forming regional alliances and taking bold steps to counter the influence of the Zionist regime. “The genocide in Gaza has left behind 10 months of a genocide that resembles World War III,” Deniz said, indicating the scale of the violence and the complicity of international powers in the ongoing conflict.

The Global Impact of Gaza's Struggle

The statement also addressed the broader geopolitical implications of the Gaza conflict. It described the ongoing resistance in Gaza as a catalyst for global change, stating, “The atrocities and genocide in Gaza teach us great lessons. As long as we remain silent about the atrocities in Gaza, the time that passes by will be a loss and waste for us. We have to clarify our ranks against the Zionist atrocities. We will either choose to be a slave to the oppressor or to be free with dignity on the side of the oppressed.”

In their call to action, the organizations highlighted the global solidarity that has emerged in response to the genocide. “For 10 months, the perception of invincibility of the Zionists, the US, and European countries has been broken by a handful of mujahideen,” they noted, emphasizing that despite the overwhelming military power of the Zionist regime and its allies, the spirit of resistance remains unbroken.

The statement praised the resilience of the people of Gaza, whom they described as standing firm against an alliance of global powers. “Weapons that were not used in the First and Second World Wars have been used in Gaza and are still being used. A handful of heroic mujahideen are fighting against the US, European countries, and world stability in the person of the Zionists,” the statement read, highlighting the disproportionate use of force and the resilience of the resistance fighters.

A Call for Global Action

The press statement concluded with a series of demands aimed at both global powers and the general public. The organizations called for an international boycott of products that support the Zionist occupation regime and urged Islamic countries to cease all trade with Israel, particularly oil shipments. They also called on state leaders and international bodies to take immediate action to recognize the State of Palestine and enforce a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

In a particularly strong closing statement, the organizations declared: “We will continue to defend the cause of Jerusalem with determination and resolve until the Zionist occupation regime is driven into the sea and wiped off the map.” This was accompanied by a call for public demonstrations and a reaffirmation of their commitment to the cause.

The event concluded with a prayer led by Ömer Çelik, who invoked divine support for those suffering in Gaza and called for continued solidarity and action from the global Muslim community.

55 Years Since the Burning of Al-Aqsa Mosque

The timing of the press conference was also significant, as it coincided with the 55th anniversary of the burning of Al-Aqsa Mosque by Zionist extremists on August 21, 1969. The organizations condemned the attack and used the occasion to renew their call for global unity and resistance against Israeli aggression. (ILKHA)

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