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Hamas leader calls for comprehensive deal to end Gaza genocide
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In a significant speech on Sunday, Haneyya outlined the key components required for such a deal, highlighting Hamas's readiness and willingness for negotiations to achieve lasting peace.

Haneyya stated that Hamas, along with other resistance factions in Gaza, is committed to achieving a deal that includes four main points:

1. A Permanent Ceasefire: An immediate and enduring end to all hostilities and military actions between Israel and Gaza. Haneyya stressed that a permanent ceasefire is crucial to stop the ongoing violence and bloodshed.

2. Comprehensive Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza: The complete and unconditional withdrawal of Israeli military forces from the Gaza Strip, restoring full autonomy to the Palestinian territories.

3. Rehabilitation of Gaza: Initiatives and substantial support for the reconstruction and development of Gaza, addressing the extensive destruction caused by years of conflict. This includes rebuilding infrastructure, homes, schools, and healthcare facilities to improve the quality of life for Gaza's residents.

4. Prisoner Exchange Deal: An agreement to release prisoners held by both sides, ensuring the return of detainees to their families and addressing humanitarian concerns.

Haneyya stressed that Hamas and other factions have shown significant seriousness and flexibility in efforts to reach an agreement. He reiterated the movement’s dedication to protecting Palestinian lives and halting Israeli aggression. "We are serious about reaching an agreement that includes these four main points," he said. Haneyya highlighted that Hamas has been open to dialogue and has made considerable efforts to find common ground with mediators and international stakeholders.

Haneyya mentioned that Hamas’s response to the latest ceasefire proposal aligns with the principles outlined in US President Joe Biden’s speech and the relevant UN Security Council resolution. He pointed out that Hamas has communicated its willingness to adhere to a comprehensive ceasefire and has conveyed this message to international mediators. However, he criticized the Israeli occupation and its allies for not responding positively to Hamas's flexibility and for engaging in deceptive maneuvers. "The Israeli occupation regime and its allies did not respond positively to our flexibility and persisted in making deceptive maneuvers," Haneyya stated.

The Hamas leader underscored the importance of a clear and unambiguous agreement, free from subsequent interpretations or opportunities for bargaining and maneuvering. "We need a clear and unambiguous agreement not subject to subsequent interpretations and not susceptible to postponement, bargaining, or maneuvering," he emphasized. Haneyya called for a definitive agreement that outlines specific terms and conditions, ensuring that both parties adhere to the commitments made.

Haneyya expressed respect for the mediators' efforts and affirmed Hamas's willingness to give them ample opportunity to fulfill their mission. "We respect the mediators’ role and the importance of what they do, and we are willing to give them sufficient opportunity and room to accomplish their mission," he stated. He acknowledged the critical role played by international mediators in facilitating dialogue and bridging the gaps between the conflicting parties.

Haneyya's call for a comprehensive agreement comes amid a backdrop of international concern and efforts to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The ongoing genocide has drawn widespread condemnation and calls for immediate action to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people. Haneyya highlighted that the international community's involvement is crucial to ensuring a fair and lasting resolution. He urged global leaders and organizations to support the negotiation process and apply pressure on Israel to comply with international law and humanitarian principles.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza remains dire, with widespread destruction, limited access to basic services, and a high civilian casualty toll. The blockade imposed by Israel has severely restricted the flow of goods and aid into Gaza, exacerbating the suffering of its residents. Haneyya emphasized the urgent need for international assistance to rebuild Gaza and improve living conditions for its population.

Haneyya's call for a comprehensive agreement highlights Hamas's stance on resolving the conflict in Gaza. The outlined points reflect the movement's priorities and its approach to negotiations aimed at ending the violence and addressing the humanitarian crisis in the region. As international efforts continue, the focus remains on achieving a durable peace that respects the rights and dignity of all parties involved. Haneyya's speech serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for justice and the need for a concerted effort to bring about lasting change. (ILKHA)

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