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Erdoğan calls for unity and solidarity in Eid al-Adha message
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His message underscored the significance of the holiday as a time for renewal of brotherhood, mutual support, and national cohesion.

President Erdoğan highlighted the significance of Eid al-Adha in rejuvenating the spirit of brotherhood and the consciousness of assistance and solidarity among the Turkish people. “The more tightly we embrace each other as the nation, the more easily we deal with problems and the more successfully we wage our struggle,” he stated. He pointed out that the values of brotherhood and solidarity, which are particularly emphasized during Eid, play a crucial role in addressing and overcoming national challenges.

Expressing his wishes for the sacred days to lead to auspicious developments for Turkey, the Islamic world, and humanity, Erdoğan extended special congratulations to the people of Gaza. He conveyed his heartfelt prayers for those suffering under what he described as the "oppression of genocidal Israel." “I wholeheartedly congratulate my brothers and sisters in Gaza who are observing the eid under the oppression of the genocidal Israel, and wish that our brothers and sisters, who suffer atrocities and massacres on a daily basis, may find peace and reach an atmosphere of security and stability without delay,” he said.

Erdoğan acknowledged the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic to social ties but stressed that Eids are a time to remedy these ruptures and strengthen kinship and neighborhood bonds. “We are going through days when we need solidarity more than ever,” he remarked. He expressed his optimism about the emerging political reconciliation and unity within the nation, noting that the climate of reconciliation in politics is helping the nation band together again.

Touching upon economic issues, Erdoğan noted the global concern over high inflation but assured that Turkey is making progress. “High inflation continues to cause concern in the world. Yet, we have entered a process of getting rid of the inflation monster that eats into our food, sustenance, and bread,” he said. He highlighted the success of Turkey's economic programme, stating, “Our economic programme bears fruits in terms of production, employment, and exports. In inflation, we will inshallah have more pleasing outcomes in the second half of the year.”

Erdoğan also emphasized the government's commitment to raising the welfare of the nation. “As the government, we have raised the welfare of our nation — from farmers to civil servants, white-collar employees to workers — to the level of developed countries,” he said. He reassured the public that efforts to reduce inflation would continue, aiming to bring it down to single digits as achieved in the past.

The President reiterated Turkey's firm stance against terrorism and its unwavering support for Palestine. He announced that over 55 thousand tons of humanitarian aid have been delivered to Gaza and that Turkey has halted all trade with Israel. “We maintain our firm stance against the policy of genocide Israel has been conducting in Gaza and occupied Palestinian lands since October 7. We have delivered over 55 thousand tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza. We have halted all trade with Israel. We have decided to join the genocide case at the International Court of Justice,” Erdoğan stated.

He also highlighted Turkey's efforts for the recognition of the Palestinian state. “We are among the countries working the hardest for the recognition of the Palestinian state. Despite all the pressure of the Zionist network, we defend justice and peace at every platform and never refrain from shouting out the truth. Despite all the barbarity of baby-killer Israel and its collaborators, the Palestinian people will inshallah be victorious,” he said.

Concluding his message, Erdoğan emphasized the nation's unity as its biggest source of strength and inspiration. “In this difficult struggle, our biggest source of strength and inspiration is our nation’s prayers, support, unity, solidarity, and brotherhood. The more tightly we embrace each other as the nation, the more easily we deal with problems and the more successfully we wage our struggle,” he said. He encouraged the Turkish people to embrace each other, strengthen familial and social bonds, and continue to support each other during Eid.

Erdoğan also issued safety reminders for those traveling during the holiday, urging drivers to obey traffic rules and avoid driving while tired. “As always in eids, I advise the drivers that will hit the roads to obey traffic rules, to never set out tired, and to particularly increase their attention as they approach their destination,” he advised.

He concluded with prayers and best wishes for all Muslims observing Eid al-Adha. “I wish the Eid al-Adha may bring serenity to our hearts, welfare to our country, and peace to our kindred geography, Palestine and Sudan in particular. Eid Mubarak,” Erdoğan concluded.

Erdoğan’s full message was shared through official channels, offering prayers and best wishes for all Muslims observing Eid al-Adha. (ILKHA)

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