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Hamas ready to engage positively on permanent ceasefire proposal
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This statement follows a detailed three-phase deal proposal by US President Joe Biden aimed at ending the israeli genocidal aggression in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas expressed a positive outlook towards President Biden's speech, which called for a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of occupation forces from Gaza, reconstruction efforts, and a prisoner exchange. "Hamas looks positively on the remarks in US President Joe Biden’s speech today, and his call for a permanent ceasefire, withdrawal of occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, reconstruction, and prisoner exchange," the movement stated.

Hamas emphasized the importance of the return of displaced individuals to their homes throughout Gaza and the completion of a serious prisoner-exchange deal, contingent on the explicit commitment from the occupation. "We consider this American position and the regional and international convictions of the need to put an end to the war on Gaza to be a result of the legendary steadfastness of our people and their courageous resistance," Hamas added.

President Biden’s proposal outlines a phased approach to ending the conflict. The first phase, set to last six weeks, includes a full and complete ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from densely populated areas of Gaza, and the release of Israeli captives, including women, the elderly, and the wounded. In exchange, hundreds of Palestinian prisoners would be released.

According to Biden’s proposal, this agreement would facilitate the release of Israeli captives in Gaza and potentially end the ongoing attacks on the Gaza Strip. The initiative is seen as a crucial step towards establishing long-term peace and stability in the region.

Hamas's readiness to engage with President Biden’s proposal marks a significant development in the efforts to end the genocide in Gaza. The international community remains watchful as these diplomatic efforts unfold, hopeful for a resolution that brings lasting peace and relief to the affected populations. (ILKHA)

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