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Women’s groups hold “Stop the Massacre” event in Diyarbakir to support Gaza
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The event, themed “Mothers and Children Hand in Hand to Stop the Massacre in Gaza,” aimed to draw attention to the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza since the Israeli occupation regime’s intensified attacks starting October 7, 2023.

The event featured mothers and children from Diyarbakir gathering in solidarity with Gazan mothers. Participants hung a giant Palestinian flag from the bridge and held a five-minute sit-in accompanied by sirens. Following the sit-in, they made a press statement and sang melodies, expressing their support for Gaza.

Lawyer Elif Fidantek read a prepared press statement, condemning the ongoing Israeli occupation and its systematic persecution of the Palestinian people. Fidantek highlighted the severe impact on Gaza's population, particularly women and children, and criticized the international community's lack of effective response.

“The Israeli regime, which has attacked everyone indiscriminately, has committed numerous war crimes under the guise of self-defense,” Fidantek stated. She emphasized the regime’s use of chemical weapons, destruction of essential infrastructure like hospitals and schools, and the blockade that has left 1.4 million people at the Rafah Border Gate without basic necessities.

Fidantek pointed out the dire situation in Gaza, where a child dies every 10 minutes and a woman every two hours, with the death toll reaching 36,000 and the number of wounded exceeding 80,000. She lamented the destruction of hospitals, mosques, and the severe restrictions on humanitarian aid, which have pushed Gaza into a state of extreme deprivation.

The event organizers urged the public to remain active in the squares, use all legitimate means to voice their concerns, boycott Israeli goods, and continue prayers and awareness campaigns. “Every penny spent on Israeli goods breaks Gazan bodies and contributes to this persecution,” Fidantek declared, calling for a boycott and stronger actions from authorities.

Fidantek called on authorities to impose sanctions and end trade relations with the Israeli regime, expressing hope for an end to the eight-month-long persecution and a permanent ceasefire. She also stressed the importance of not being swayed by discounts on Israeli goods, as purchasing these items indirectly supports the oppression in Gaza.

The press statement provided a detailed account of the massacres in Gaza, noting that the Israeli regime has been systematically persecuting the Palestinian people for nearly a century. Since October 7, 2023, this persecution has intensified, with daily bombings and blockades affecting all aspects of life in Gaza. The statement highlighted the extensive use of 77,000 tons of explosives, resulting in the complete destruction of 87,000 homes and the displacement of over one million people who are now trapped at the Rafah Border Gate.

Fidantek criticized the international community for its inaction, stating that while the whole world has witnessed the genocide live, no effective measures have been taken to stop it. She condemned the zionist regime for its blatant violations of human rights and international conventions, and the use of chemical weapons in populated areas.

The event underscored the solidarity between the people of Diyarbakır and Gaza, with participants expressing their commitment to continue raising awareness and advocating for justice. The program concluded with a prayer for the people of Gaza and the release of balloons in the colors of the Palestinian flag by children, symbolizing hope and resilience.

The women’s groups emphasized the importance of continuous efforts to draw international attention to the plight of Gaza and to push for concrete actions against the Israeli occupation regime. They called for unity among Islamic nations and urged all compassionate individuals to stand up against the ongoing atrocities.

The “Stop the Massacre” event at the Ten Arches Bridge serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for global intervention to end the violence in Gaza and to support the Palestinian people in their struggle for justice and freedom. (ILKHA)

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