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EU accused of complicity in migrant dumping in North African desert: Investigative report
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The year-long investigation indicates the EU funds and participates in clandestine operations that target Black migrants and refugees.

The report details how migrants are rounded up, often through racial profiling, and then dumped in deserts or remote areas near borders. Survivors allege they are beaten, denied access to water, and left for dead.

The investigation found evidence that the EU is aware of these practices and may be directly involved. Internal documents show discussions on the issue dating back to 2019.  Matching vehicle types linked the expulsions to vehicles provided by the EU.

The report also accuses Spain of funding detention centers in Mauritania specifically used for these expulsions.

The allegations come amid a rise in anti-migrant sentiment in Europe.  The EU recently signed a migration agreement with Tunisia despite ongoing concerns about human rights abuses.

The EU and UN agencies deny any involvement in the mistreatment of migrants.  However, the report raises serious questions about the EU's role in managing migration and its commitment to human rights. (ILKHA)

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