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Hundreds rally to remember Hasan Saklanan in Şanlıurfa
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The gathering followed Friday prayers and was attended by local politicians, NGO representatives, and a HAMAS official. Pro-Palestinian and HAMAS slogans were chanted during the event.

The gathering took place immediately after Friday prayers at the Dergah Mosque, drawing hundreds of Şanlıurfa residents who came together to honor Saklanan's memory and express solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

The atmosphere was solemn yet determined as people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life converged in the mosque's courtyard, united by a shared sense of grief and outrage over the loss of a fellow countryman to the ongoing violence in the occupied territories. From elders reciting prayers for the departed soul to young activists brandishing banners demanding justice, the demonstration encapsulated the diverse tapestry of Şanlıurfa's community, all united in their condemnation of injustice and oppression.

Among the attendees were prominent figures such as HÜDA PAR MP Serkan Ramanlı, HÜDA PAR Şanlıurfa Provincial Chairman Faruk Polat, and HAMAS official Macit Ebu Hasan, whose presence lent further weight to the significance of the gathering. Their participation underscored the cross-border ramifications of Saklanan's martyrdom, highlighting how acts of violence in distant lands reverberate deeply within communities across the globe.

As the crowd swelled, chants and slogans filled the air, echoing through the streets of Şanlıurfa and resonating with the anguish felt by Palestinians and their supporters worldwide. From calls for justice to demands for an end to the Israeli occupation, the messages reverberated with urgency and determination, reflecting the collective resolve to stand in solidarity with the oppressed and marginalized.

During the event, Ibrahim Halil Güven, President of the Şanlıurfa Lovers of the Prophet Association and Spokesperson for Şanlıurfa NGOs, delivered a poignant statement that struck a chord with the assembled crowd. With eloquence and passion, Güven spoke of the enduring legacy of resistance and sacrifice embodied by the people of Gaza, who continue to defy overwhelming odds in their struggle for freedom and dignity.

In his address, Güven also commended the recent decision by the Ministry of Trade to halt all commercial agreements with the Israeli occupation regime, viewing it as a step in the right direction. However, he emphasized that more concrete actions were needed to hold Israel accountable for its flagrant violations of international law and human rights.

Furthermore, Güven paid tribute to Hasan Saklanan's martyrdom, hailing him as a symbol of courage and resilience in the face of adversity. He underscored the importance of Hasan's sacrifice in reaffirming the universal principles of justice and solidarity that bind humanity together, transcending borders and barriers.

In closing, Güven urged authorities to expedite the return of Hasan Saklanan's body to his family, emphasizing the urgency of providing closure and solace to loved ones mourning the loss of a cherished son, brother, and friend.

Majid Abu Hasan, a HAMAS official, also addressed the crowd, expressing solidarity with the family of Hasan Saklanan and invoking the memory of the Mavi Marmara martyrs. His words served as a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness of struggles for justice and liberation, spanning continents and generations.

The demonstration concluded with a renewed sense of determination and purpose, as participants pledged to continue advocating for the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people. In the face of adversity, Şanlıurfa stood united, a beacon of hope and solidarity in a world plagued by injustice and oppression. (ILKHA)

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