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Prophet's Lovers Foundation announces ‘Mawlid al Nabi’ events
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This year's theme, "The Leader of Jihad, Prophet Muhammad," emphasizes the Prophet's (PBUH) role as a champion for justice and a powerful leader.

Beşir Şimşek, the Foundation's president, announced the initiative with a statement, highlighting its significance: "We are entering a blessed season," Şimşek said, "where events will be organized in different parts of the country to deepen our understanding of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and to follow his Sunnah." He anticipates massive participation in the events, expecting hundreds of thousands to join the celebrations.

Şimşek elaborated on the theme, explaining: "We have chosen 'Leader of Jihad, Prophet Muhammad' as this year's theme. The squares will be overflowing with the love of Muhammad," he declared, "and the people who love the Prophet will make the earth and sky groan with salawats and takbirs."

Şimşek emphasized the contemporary relevance of the theme. "Our theme is Jihad," Şimşek stated. "The Islamic world, the Islamic ummah, and many others face the oppression of despotic, cruel powers. Humanity thirsts for justice, freedom, and peace," he continued. "The eyes of unprotected, unclaimed, oppressed women and children are in expectation of a savior and their hearts are beating with the hope of salvation."

Şimşek expressed his conviction that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) embodies the solution to these global challenges.  "Everyone must surrender to his guidance," he urged. "Because His way was the way of resistance and opposition to oppression," Şimşek explained. "It was the way to make justice and right prevail. The only way that will bring justice and freedom to the oppressed and the oppressors and give the right to the righteous is the way of the Prophet."

The Prophet’s Lovers Foundation extends a warm invitation to everyone to participate in the upcoming Mawlid al Nabi events. The events are scheduled to take place in the following cities:

* Saturday, April 20th: Adana

* Sunday, April 21st: Simultaneous events in Batman and Van

* Sunday, April 28th: Diyarbakır

* Sunday, May 5th: Istanbul

Şimşek's message echoed a spirit of unity and inclusivity. He encouraged people from all walks of life to attend, stating: "We invite all lovers of the Prophet, all our brothers and sisters who adhere to his Sunnah, and our people to fill the squares and fields in hundreds of thousands, regardless of men, women, young, old and children."

The Prophet’s Lovers Foundation hopes these events will serve as a powerful testament to the enduring legacy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and inspire people to follow his path towards a more just and peaceful world. (ILKHA)

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