Yemen retaliates with missile strikes after coalition targets key oil terminal

Tensions in Yemen have escalated sharply after American and British forces reportedly targeted the Ras Issa oil terminal in Hodeidah Governorate, a crucial economic hub and the main oil export station in western Yemen.

Ekleme: 27.01.2024 13:11:53 / Güncelleme: 27.01.2024 13:11:53 / English News
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This comes just a day after Yemeni forces claimed responsibility for hitting a British oil tanker in the Gulf of Aden, further intensifying the ongoing conflict.

Following the attack on Ras Issa, Yemeni news channel Al-Masirah reported that the country's armed forces launched retaliatory missile strikes in the region. Brigadier General Yahya Saree, spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces, claimed a direct hit on a British oil ship, causing it to catch fire. He described this action as a response to the "American-British aggression against Yemen" and a show of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

The British Maritime Trade Operations Authority acknowledged an explosion and missiles in the vicinity of a ship off the coast of Hodeidah. A British maritime security company, Embry, also confirmed the launch of a missile from Yemen in the southeast direction towards the Bab al-Mandab Strait.

US Central Command (CENTCOM) further confirmed that an anti-ship ballistic missile was fired towards the destroyer USS Carney in the Gulf of Aden, although it missed its target. A Yemeni military spokesperson, on the other hand, claimed a direct hit on an American warship and the retreat of two American commercial vessels following a clash with Yemeni forces.

This recent escalation comes on the heels of Yemeni forces claiming responsibility for striking the British oil tanker "Marlin Luanda" on Friday. Although the attack caused significant damage, no casualties were reported.

Both sides have accused each other of aggression, highlighting the increasingly fraught situation in Yemen. The war, which began in 2015, has caused widespread devastation and a humanitarian crisis, with millions facing hunger and disease.

The recent airstrike on Ras Issa and retaliatory missile strikes raise concerns about further escalation in the region. With both sides vowing to respond to attacks, the future of the conflict remains uncertain. (ILKHA)