Humanitarian urgency: Prophet’s Lovers Foundation demands aid corridor for Gaza

In a powerful show of solidarity, the Prophet's Lovers Foundation organized a rally in Diyarbakır to vehemently condemn the relentless genocide being perpetrated against Palestine by the zionist occupation regime.

Ekleme: 26.01.2024 16:31:31 / Güncelleme: 26.01.2024 16:31:31 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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The rally served as a poignant call for global awareness and united action, highlighting the dire situation in Gaza.

Since the 7th of October, the Prophet's Lovers Foundation has been at the forefront of supporting the Palestinian cause, actively using every available platform to denounce the oppressive actions of the zionist occupation regime. The event, which was strategically held in front of the Hacı Ali Elbey Mosque in Diyarbakır's central Kayapınar district, aimed to express solidarity with the ongoing resistance in Gaza.

Muzaffer Beber, a representative of the Prophet's Lovers Foundation, delivered a powerful press statement during the rally. In his speech, Beber highlighted the alarming silence and perceived helplessness in the face of the unabated atrocities committed by the zionist forces. Drawing a vivid analogy, he compared the fight against the zionist terrorist network to the fight against cancer cells, condemning indifference, acceptance and complacency as worse than death itself.

Speaking passionately to the assembled crowd, Beber said: "We will not stand idly by while innocent lives are lost, homes are destroyed and an entire nation suffocates under the weight of oppression. It is time for the world to wake up and take a stand against this brutality!

The focus of the rally went beyond the Gaza Strip to the ongoing attacks launched by the zionist regime since 7 October. Beber articulated that the zionist onslaught isn't limited to Gaza alone, but represents a comprehensive war against humanity and conscience as a whole. He passionately called for a strong international intervention, throwing his weight behind South Africa's case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, accusing the zionist forces of committing genocide against the Palestinian people.

He went on to address the international community, saying: "The blood of innocent Palestinians is crying out for justice. We demand that the world stand united against these heinous crimes. Silence is not an option, action is imperative!

Shifting the focus to Yemen, Beber called on Türkiye to impose sanctions on the zionist occupation regime. He expressed solidarity with Yemen's efforts to stop the flow of weapons, food and oil to Israel and condemned the brutal attacks unleashed on Yemen by the US, Britain and their collaborators. This, he said, was emblematic of a united front against the faithful and signaled an alarming trend of blasphemy transcending national boundaries.

In a direct appeal to Türkiye, Beber said: "Our nation cannot close its eyes to the suffering of our brothers and sisters. It is time for Turkey to take a principled stand and impose sanctions to stop the zionist aggression".

The spotlight also fell on Bahrain, a country that has recently been targeted for its alignment with the zionist and imperialist front, especially regarding its support for the attacks on Yemen. Beber minced no words in condemning Bahrain's betrayal of the Islamic Ummah, calling on Muslim leaders and international actors to take a united stand against the US, Britain and Bahrain and to curb their attacks on Yemen.

He urged: "Leaders of Muslim nations, rise up against this injustice! Bahrain, you are betraying your own people by siding with the oppressors. It's time to reassess your alliances and stand up for justice!

Beyond the geopolitical intricacies, Beber stressed the urgent need to open a humanitarian aid corridor to Gaza. He implored free nations that recognize Palestine as a state to free themselves from the humiliation of asking the zionists for permission to reach the elected HAMAS government in Gaza. He called for a coordinated effort and urged political, economic and military cooperation with HAMAS, all within the framework of international law.

Addressing the global community, Beber declared: "The time for half-measures is over. Nations must act together to bring relief to the besieged people of Gaza. We call on free nations to break the chains of oppression and extend a helping hand directly to the Palestinian people".

Beber reiterated the call for unity among Muslims, presenting it as an imperative to confront Zionist brutality. He asserted that the Palestinian cause resonates as a common concern for the entire Muslim Ummah, with Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem serving as unifying symbols. The essence of the rally was to amplify the collective voice of solidarity against Zionist aggression, transcending borders to forge a path towards justice and peace.

"Let our voices echo in the corridors of power. Let the world know that we stand united against oppression and we will not rest until justice prevails!" Beber concluded. (ILKHA)