Yemen's Ansarullah leader warns of targeting US and UK ships in the Red Sea

The leader of Yemen's Ansarullah resistance movement, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, issued a stark warning on Thursday, declaring that US and UK ships, alongside vessels linked to Israel, will become targets for Yemeni forces in the Red Sea.

Ekleme: 19.01.2024 12:21:58 / Güncelleme: 19.01.2024 12:21:58 / English News
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In a televised speech on Thursday, al-Houthi stated: "The Israeli enemy has failed in achieving its objectives but continues with its crimes." He highlighted that, over the past 104 days, Israel has committed over 2,000 massacres and acts of genocide against the Palestinian people.

Al-Houthi labeled the Israeli war on Gaza as a crime and criticized global organizations for merely observing without taking concrete actions to stop the atrocities. He stressed that the Islamic Ummah's interests lie in standing alongside the Palestinians against the common enemy.

Al-Houthi expressed disappointment with some Islamic countries that have taken a deceptive strategy towards the Palestinian people. He noted that Arab nations should have broken the siege on Palestine, but US influence has hindered such actions.

Additionally, al-Houthi issued a warning, stating that Yemeni armed forces would target US and UK ships, along with vessels linked to israel, in the Red Sea. He pointed out the dark record of US crimes globally and emphasized American complicity in Israeli actions against Palestinians by providing military, surveillance, intelligence, financial, and political support to the Zionist regime. (ILKHA)