Zionist forces conduct wide-scale raids, detain youths in Jenin

Zionist occupation forces executed extensive raids on towns and villages in the Jenin Governorate on Friday night, resulting in widespread searches and confrontations, according to security sources.

Ekleme: 13.01.2024 10:32:09 / Güncelleme: 13.01.2024 10:32:09 / English News
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The incursions involved extensive search and raid operations, leading to heightened tensions in the region.

Local sources reported that a sizable military force entered the town of Yabad, strategically deploying across streets and alleys. The forces conducted wide-scale home raids and searches, positioning snipers on rooftops and setting up ambushes throughout the neighborhoods.

During the military offensive, zionist forces reportedly wreaked havoc in residents' houses, assaulted individuals, and targeted vehicles. Several youths were detained during the operation, and one individual was transferred to the hospital after sustaining severe injuries from the forces' actions, resulting in cuts and bruises.

Confrontations erupted in Yabad as a response to the incursion, with israeli soldiers employing live fire and stun grenades against residents and their homes. Fortunately, no injuries were reported from the clashes.

In a related context, zionist forces expanded their operations to several villages and towns surrounding Jenin, deploying military tanks and establishing flying checkpoints that hindered residents' movement.

The widespread search-sweeping campaign intensified tensions in the region, marking another episode in the ongoing challenges faced by the local population. (ILKHA)