Support rally for Al-Aqsa Flood mobilizes masses in Mardin, Türkiye

In a resounding display of solidarity, the Prophet’s Lovers Foundation organized a monumental rally in Mardin, Türkiye, under the banner of the "Support Rally for Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Flood."

Ekleme: 31.12.2023 21:35:18 / Güncelleme: 31.12.2023 21:35:18 / English News / Mardin Haberleri
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The event, hosted at the 15 July Martyrs Park, saw enthusiastic participation from Mardin residents and individuals from neighboring provinces and districts.

The rally kicked off with an impassioned opening speech by Molla Fesih Memiş, President of Prophet’s Lovers Foundation in Mardin.

"Today, we gather to stand united against the oppression faced by our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Our resilience echoes the heroic resistance led by groups like Hamas, who, on October 7, unleashed the powerful Al-Aqsa Flood Operation," Memiş declared.

Abu Suheyb Fehed, a distinguished Hamas official, took the stage to express gratitude. "Your support reverberates in the hearts of Palestinians. We mourn the loss of our valiant brother Ali Saad, a victim of an israeli airstrike in Bint Jbeil. His sacrifice fuels our determination," Fehed remarked.

Addressing the crowd, Fehed drew parallels between historical and contemporary resistance. "In the past, Palestinians wielded stones; today, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades confront the israeli army. Our struggle continues, rooted in the teachings of the Holy Qur'an," he asserted.

Fehed urged Muslims to heed the words of the Prophet: "Hold the Book tightly." He emphasized the need for spiritual preparedness and commitment to jihad. "We follow in the footsteps of Abu Ubaydah and Saladin Ayyubi. The path to victory lies in unity, faith, and unwavering determination," he declared.

Highlighting the Al-Aqsa Flood operation's impact, Fehed exclaimed: "Praise be to Allah, the Aqsa Flood operation shook the oppressors' thrones and exposed betrayers. We confront a weak Israeli army, and our resistance exemplifies patience and perseverance."

In a poignant moment, Fehed directly addressed the rally participants: "Millions in Türkiye yearn to stand with Gaza's mujahideen. Despite challenges and borders, your support matters. Whether through finances, materials, or social media activism, Allah sees your efforts. His promise of victory stands."

Fehed concluded with a powerful call to action: "Continue supporting Al-Aqsa. Even unseen by the world, Allah witnesses you. We are destined for victory."

The rally aimed not only to denounce Israeli aggression but also to galvanize support for the Palestinian cause, emphasizing the unyielding spirit of those standing in solidarity with the struggle for liberation. (ILKHA)