Humanity unites: 'We Are Walking for Gaza' march raises awareness on Gaza's child victims

HÜDA PAR Provincial Youth Branches orchestrated the "We Are Walking for Gaza" event in Diyarbakır, amplifying the collective cry that "Children should not die in Gaza."

Ekleme: 30.12.2023 18:06:55 / Güncelleme: 30.12.2023 18:06:55 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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The event, held at the bustling World Junction in the central Kayapınar district, witnessed an overwhelming turnout, with children and their families fervently participating in a march that carried profound messages of empathy and hope.

The march, a powerful demonstration that symbolically represented the wounded in Gaza, unfolded with children carrying Palestinian flags and banners. The procession, accompanied by takbir (praising Allah) and impassioned slogans, moved with purpose towards the Beziüzzaman Mosque on Yılmaz Güney Street, creating a visual and emotional impact that transcended geographic boundaries.

At the mosque, the solemnity of the occasion was underscored by a heartfelt press statement following a poignant poem dedicated to the children of Palestine. Mustafa Kaçmaz, representing the assembled crowd, eloquently conveyed the collective sentiments of the participants, drawing attention to the innocent lives caught in the crossfire of conflict.

Kaçmaz began by stating: "We children are the rose garden of this world. Some of us are basil, carnation, chamomile, hyacinth; some of us are red, yellow, white, pink roses in this beautiful garden. We children living in different countries of the world are brothers and sisters, and we do not want to be cut off from life."

In a rare acknowledgment of the children's perspective on the protracted conflict, Kaçmaz shared direct voices from the affected region, saying: "Our brothers and sisters from Gaza are shouting and saying to the whole world: We want to live, we do not want to die. We want to go to school. We want to play in the gardens in the parks, but the cruel israel sees this too much for our brothers from Gaza."

The press statement delved into the urgent need for global awareness and intervention in the ongoing humanitarian crisis, with a specific focus on the profound impact on Gaza's children. Kaçmaz appealed directly to world leaders, saying: "Prevent the Zionist and pig Israel, the murderer of children and babies, from bombing Gaza and respond to its attack on Gaza."

The event's poignant conclusion featured a heartfelt prayer for the children of Gaza, a plea for peace, and a collective hope for humanitarian assistance to alleviate the dire conditions faced by the innocent victims of the israeli aggression.

The "We Are Walking for Gaza" event stands as a testament to the collective will to bring attention to the plight of Gaza's children and to advocate for an end to the ongoing humanitarian crisis, emphasizing the universal right of every child to live free from the shadows of war and conflict. (ILKHA)