TurkStat: Large enterprises drive over half of Türkiye's services imports and exports in 2021

The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) unveiled crucial data regarding international trade in services, shedding light on the significant role played by large enterprises.

Ekleme: 28.12.2023 13:21:51 / Güncelleme: 28.12.2023 13:21:51 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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According to the latest statistics from the Services Trade by Enterprise Characteristics (STEC) report, 58.7% of services exports and 55.4% of services imports in 2021 were attributed to large enterprises.

The TurkStat gathered insights by linking International Trade in Services Statistics (ITSS) data (excluding travel) with the Structural Business Statistics (SBS) and Inward Foreign Affiliates Statistics. The findings reveal that micro enterprises with 1-9 employed persons accounted for 7.1% of total services exports, constituting 69.2% of services exporter enterprises. Small enterprises with 10-49 employed persons represented 15.7% of services exports, while medium-sized enterprises with 50-249 employed persons contributed 18.3%. Large enterprises, employing 250 or more people and comprising 2.4% of service-exporting entities, dominated with a 58.7% share in services exports.

On the import side, micro enterprises constituted 53.3% of enterprises importing services, contributing 5.6% to services imports. Small enterprises with 10-49 employed persons and medium-sized enterprises with 50-249 employed persons represented 9.4% and 17.2% of services imports, respectively. Large enterprises, accounting for 55.4% of services imports, held a 5.0% share in the total number of enterprises engaged in services import.

Breaking down the sectors, enterprises in the transportation and storage sector emerged as significant players, making up 67.9% of services exports. Meanwhile, enterprises in information and communication activities contributed $3.062 billion to total services exports, with manufacturing industry enterprises exporting services worth $2.935 billion, and finance and insurance activities accounting for $1.385 billion.

In terms of services imports, manufacturing industry enterprises led with $8.978 billion out of the total $28.064 billion. Wholesale and retail trade activities represented $5.389 billion in services imports, followed by financial and insurance activities with $2.181 billion. Information and communication sector enterprises imported services worth $1.928 billion.

The report also highlighted that foreign-controlled enterprises played a significant role in services trade, making up 18.3% of services exports and 32.6% of imports. Notably, in transport services, Türkiye-controlled enterprises dominated with 89.5% of exports and 85.1% of imports. In telecommunications, computer, and information services, Türkiye-controlled enterprises held a 49.5% share in exports, while foreign-controlled enterprises claimed 50.5%. Additionally, 66.7% of imports of intellectual property rights usage services and 52.7% of imports of other business services were attributed to foreign-controlled enterprises.

These findings offer valuable insights into the dynamics of Turkey's services trade, emphasizing the significant contributions of large enterprises and the diverse sectors driving the country's international trade landscape. (ILKHA)