Gaza calls for urgent investigation into israeli forces' organ theft from Palestinian martyrs

The Government Media Office in Gaza has accused israeli occupation forces of committing egregious crimes by seizing and mutilating the bodies of Palestinian martyrs and stealing their vital organs.

Ekleme: 27.12.2023 11:41:44 / Güncelleme: 27.12.2023 11:41:44 / English News
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The government statement disclosed that 80 bodies were handed over in a mutilated state, their identities undisclosed, and the occupation authorities refused to provide any information on the victims or the locations from which the bodies were taken.

This is not the first instance of such heinous acts, as the statement highlighted that the israeli occupation forces have previously engaged in the crime of stealing organs during the ongoing genocidal war. The government strongly condemned the actions of the Israeli military, specifically accusing them of kidnapping the bodies of Palestinian martyrs and stealing vital organs.

The statement underscored that "israel" had previously desecrated graves in Jabalia and continues to retain possession of numerous martyrs' bodies from the Gaza Strip. It emphasized that this latest crime is part of a series of atrocities committed by the Israeli occupation army, especially following what is described as a "green light" given by the United States to target civilians, including children and women.

Expressing deep shock at the "eerie silence" of international organizations, notably the International Red Cross operating in Gaza, the statement called for the formation of a completely independent international investigation committee to probe the Israeli army's seizure of martyrs' bodies and the alleged theft of their vital organs. The government criticized these organizations for what it deemed as feeble, secondary, and confused positions that fall short of the humanitarian and ethical standpoint required in the face of such heinous crimes committed by "Israel."

In a related development, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor reported on December 14 that invading Israeli forces frequently targeted numerous cemeteries in the Gaza Strip, causing extensive damage, desecration of graves, and the theft of bodies. The attacks affected several cemeteries, including al-Falujah, Ali bin Marwan, Sheikh Radwan, al-Shuhada, Sheikh Shaaban, and St. Porphyrius Church cemetery in Gaza City. These assaults resulted in the destruction of numerous graves, displaying a complete disregard for the sanctity of the deceased. The report documented significant damage caused by frequent Israeli attacks, resulting in large holes within these cemeteries and impacting dozens of graves. (ILKHA)