HÜDA PAR organizes rally in Bingöl to support Gaza resistance

The rally was held in front of the Grand Mosque and drew significant participation from the local community, as well as from neighboring provinces and districts.

Ekleme: 10.12.2023 16:07:33 / Güncelleme: 10.12.2023 16:07:33 / English News / Bingöl Haberleri
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The event began at 13:00 with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Hafiz Mehmet Emin Selami, and Hatip Üçgül served as the presenter.

The rally was organized in response to the ongoing attacks by the zionist occupation regime in Gaza, which have been ongoing for over a month and have resulted in widespread condemnation worldwide. HÜDA PAR has been organizing support rallies in various Turkish provinces since the attacks began.

Refik Alpaya, the Provincial Chairman of HÜDA PAR, delivered a welcoming speech, stating: "The purpose of our gathering here is to condemn the Zionist terrorist organization Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa Mosque. We also aim to congratulate the Glorious Resistance of the Mujahideen who entered the race of martyrdom to liberate their lands and the common values of the Islamic Ummah, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa Mosque."

"Massacre and genocide of the Palestinian people"

Highlighting the 75-year history of the Zionist occupation regime committing genocide in Palestine, Alpaya said: "The zionist terrorist organization has been implementing a policy of occupation and genocide in Palestinian territories for 75 years with the support of a large part of the world imperialists. It is trying to remove the Palestinian people from their homeland, taking control of all Palestinian lands, including Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and dehumanizing them through forced deportation. The Palestinian people who oppose this are subjected to massacres and genocide."

Alpaya drew attention to the recent Operation Aqsa Flood, stating: "Against this occupation, an armed force was formed under the leadership of HAMAS, mostly consisting of the children of martyrs, and started a glorious resistance against the israeli army supported by the world. In order to give Gaza a breathing space, on 7 October, these resistance groups dealt a shocking blow to many military bases and settlements of the zionist regime with Operation Aqsa Flood, neutralizing many zionist terrorists and capturing some of them."

"We are trying to fulfill our humanitarian responsibility"

Emphasizing the challenging circumstances imposed by international borders and agreements, Alpaya stated: "Muslim peoples' hands are tied, and we cannot come to the rescue of our brothers and sisters there. However, with this rally and similar actions, we declare our partiality and fulfill our Islamic and humanitarian responsibility to boycott the products of the Zionist terrorist organization Israel, raise awareness about this persecution and atrocity among our generation, and support our brothers and sisters in Palestine with prayers and financial support."

Alpaya called on Islamic countries to sever all diplomatic and trade relations with the Zionist terrorist organization Israel, stating: "While the Zionist terrorist organization Israel considers even a drop of water in Palestine as too much for our brothers, we cannot consent to the food and fuel of the murderous terrorists going through us; you cannot give the account of this to Allah."

The event continued with speeches by various speakers and performances by Özlem Agency artists. (ILKHA)