Children in Diyarbakır march for Gaza, express solidarity and hope

Hundreds of children and their families in Diyarbakir, Türkiye, participated in a solidarity march for their peers in Gaza, who have been suffering under the israeli occupation and aggression.

Ekleme: 02.12.2023 17:57:19 / Güncelleme: 02.12.2023 17:57:19 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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The march was organized by Islamic non-governmental organizations on Saturday, December 2, 2023.

The children gathered at the historical Grand Mosque, the fifth holiest site in Islam, and walked towards Hazrat Suleiman Mosque, where they made a press statement. They chanted takbir and slogans in support of the Palestinian cause and expressed their admiration for the resilience of the children of Gaza.

The march, which concluded at Hazrat Suleiman Mosque, included a press statement delivered by 11-year-old Elif Sara Zeybek. Accompanied by takbir and slogans, the event aimed to express empathy for the children affected by the conflict and to convey a message of hope and solidarity.

Addressing the Palestinian children, Zeybek emphasized the principle of "your pain is our pain" and assured them that, despite the physical distance, the hearts of the children in Diyarbakır beat in unison with theirs. She acknowledged the challenges faced by Palestinian children, including destroyed homes and the pressure of adversity, yet commended their resilience and faith.

Zeybek highlighted the lessons learned from the ongoing resistance in Gaza, stating, "The children of Gaza teach the children of the world to trust in God, not to despair, to be patient, and to be united with their friends." She conveyed admiration for the strength demonstrated by the children in Gaza despite the hardships they endure.

Expressing a commitment to the cause, Zeybek pledged, "We, the children of Diyarbakır, will not remain silent against this injustice. We will work for your freedom as the descendants of Saladin-i Ayyubi who liberated Masjid al-Aqsa." She envisioned a future where the children of Diyarbakır contribute to various fields to support their peers in Gaza.

Zeybek concluded by assuring the Palestinian children that the world might currently remain silent, but the children of Diyarbakır will advocate for justice.

The event ended with a prayer by one of the children, Şiar Aktaş, and a balloon release ceremony, symbolizing hopes for a peaceful future. (ILKHA)