29 Palestinian civilians killed as israeli attacks resume in Gaza

The Gaza Strip faced renewed zionist aggression today as the occupying regime resumed its airstrikes and shelling, resulting in the tragic death of 29 Palestinian civilians.

Ekleme: 01.12.2023 12:11:12 / Güncelleme: 01.12.2023 12:11:12 / English News
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The assault, marking the end of a seven-day temporary ceasefire, entered its 56th consecutive day, drawing global attention to the escalating humanitarian crisis.

Reports from local sources indicated that israeli warplanes and reconnaissance aircraft were active over Gaza's skies just minutes before 7 a.m. on Friday. The sounds of explosions resonated across the region as Israeli bombardment recommenced. The Ministry of Interior in Gaza confirmed multiple airstrikes targeting various areas of the Gaza Strip.

Within two hours of the ceasefire's expiration, the Ministry of Health reported a surge in casualties, with 29 civilians killed and dozens injured, including a significant number of children and women. The israeli attacks targeted residential areas, including an apartment in Khan Yunis and a house belonging to the Qandil family in the Al-Maghazi refugee camp.

Zionist regime’s warplanes dropped leaflets advising residents of Khaza’a, Abasan, Bani Suhaila, and Al-Qarara to head to Rafah, declaring Khan Yunis as a war zone. Despite Rafah being announced as a shelter area, it, too, faced several airstrikes, resulting in at least six casualties. The eastern area of Abasan town in the southern Gaza Strip was also targeted.

The Adwan family house in Rafah's western market and the Qannan family house west of Khan Yunis were among the targeted locations, resulting in additional casualties. Tens of thousands of citizens, who had briefly returned home during the ceasefire, are now rushing back to shelter centers amid growing concerns about the unfolding developments. (ILKHA)