Zionist forces kidnap 51 Palestinians in West Bank raids

Zionist occupation forces kidnaped a total of 51 Palestinians from various areas in the occupied West Bank, according to local sources.

Ekleme: 24.10.2023 12:46:40 / Güncelleme: 24.10.2023 12:46:40 / English News
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Hebron saw the highest number of detentions, with 15 Palestinians being apprehended by Israeli occupation soldiers. Meanwhile, in Ramallah, 11 individuals were detained.

Four individuals, including one woman, were taken into custody from different areas in Jerusalem, marking a continuation of the zionist security forces' actions in the city.

Bethlehem reported the detention of 11 Palestinians, while two individuals each were detained in Qalqilta and Jenin.

The operations took an alarming turn as zionist occupation forces detained five individuals in Jenin, one of whom had a disability. These detentions have raised concerns about the treatment and well-being of those with disabilities in such circumstances. (ILKHA)