Zionist forces kidnap over 120 Palestinians in West Bank

The zionist occupation forces continued their campaign of detentions in the occupied territories, with reports indicating that more than 120 Palestinians have been rounded up, primarily during home raids.

Ekleme: 23.10.2023 13:21:39 / Güncelleme: 23.10.2023 13:21:39 / English News
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These detentions come as part of the ongoing israeli aggression, which began on October 7, targeting the Gaza Strip.

In the southern West Bank governorate of Hebron, a significant number of recent detentions took place. Zionist forces kidnaped 59 individuals, including 40 workers from the Gaza Strip who had been expelled from their employment in zionist entity following the israeli aggression on Gaza. They were subsequently brought to the West Bank.

In the Ramallah governorate, the zionist army kidnaped 27 people, with most of them hailing from Jalazone refugee camp. During the raid, the army also shot and killed two individuals and injured six others. Detentions were also carried out in the town of Beit Rima, including a university professor.

In Jericho, nine people were kidnaped, one of whom is a doctor working at Jericho Hospital. The Bethlehem governorate witnessed the detainment of 12 individuals from various villages and refugee camps.

In the Jenin district, four people were kidnaped, while three individuals in their 50s were rounded up in the Tulkarm area. Additionally, six individuals were detained in Nablus city and surrounding towns and villages.

The Palestinian Prisoner's Society reported that, since October 7, the zionist occupation forces have detained more than 1,215 people during home raids across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

The ongoing detentions add to the strain and tensions in the region, further exacerbating the humanitarian situation and raising concerns about the well-being of the Palestinian population in the affected areas. (ILKHA)