At least 15 Palestinians killed in ZOF raid on West Bank refugee camp

The death toll from zionist occupation regime’s raid on Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarem has risen to 15, according to local sources.

Ekleme: 20.10.2023 11:21:34 / Güncelleme: 20.10.2023 11:21:34 / English News
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At dawn, the zionist occupation forces (ZOF) stormed Nur Shams camp, causing heavy destruction to property and clashing with local youths and resistance fighters.

According to local sources, a child identified as 16-year-old Taha Mahamid was shot dead when zionist soldiers opened fire indiscriminately at homes and citizens during armed clashes with resistance fighters in the camp.

The kid’s father was also injured by ZOF gunfire as he was trying to save his son’s life after he was wounded.

During the events, the ZOF launched a suicide drone attack on a group of youths in al-Manshiya neighborhood in the camp, killing and wounding a number of them and bystanders.

ZOF bulldozers also caused widespread destruction to homes, vehicles, roads, and wreaked havoc on the camp’s infrastructure, including water pipelines, power lines, and phone and internet lines.  

In a related context, the Hebrew media said that 10 paramilitary soldiers were injured, one of them seriously, when a homemade explosive device was detonated at them during the raid in Nur Shams camp. Later, one israeli undercover soldier was proclaimed dead.

Afterwards, the ZOF has imposed a tight siege and curfew on the camp and declared it a closed military zone, amid sporadic armed clashes with resistance fighters. (ILKHA)