HÜDA PAR holds rally in Istanbul to condemn israeli bombardment of Gaza

HÜDA PAR staged a rally in Istanbul to express solidarity and denounce the ongoing israeli bombardment of Gaza, which has faced extensive criticism for breaching international law and being associated with crimes against humanity.

Ekleme: 19.10.2023 23:36:42 / Güncelleme: 19.10.2023 23:36:42 / English News / İstanbul Haberleri
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The event, held in Fatih-Saraçhane Park, saw a significant turnout of HÜDA PAR members and volunteers. They carried Tawhid and Palestinian flags, as well as banners showing support for Gaza's resistance and denouncing the zionist occupation regime.

During the event, Meryem Kiraz, Head of the HÜDA PAR Istanbul Provincial Women's Branch, read a statement written in three languages: Arabic, English, and Turkish.

The English version of the statement, as read by Meryem Kiraz, conveyed the strong message of the gathering.

The full text of the statement is as follows:

For days, we have been witnessing the massacres committed by israel repeatedly.

When we look at Jerusalem and Gaza today, we see not only forgotten massacres and genocides but also unaccountable ones being repeated.

Gaza cannot breathe. Thousands of innocent babies are perishing in Gaza. Phosphorus bombs, considered a war crime, are dropped on Gaza every day. Women, children, and civilians are killed, and buildings are being destroyed. What we see in Gaza is nothing short of genocide.

The terrorist state of Israel, which often professes concern for human rights to the world, once again reveals its hypocritical stance. It targets everyone, regardless of gender, age, or civilian status.

Despite all these horrors, the world is merely observing. The UN remains silent, national human rights organizations remain silent, and countless associations, figures, and activists who claim to stand for justice play the role of the three wise monkeys.

It should be remembered that silence is complicity in oppression.

We have many martyrs in Gaza. Many of our brothers and sisters have been unjustly killed in the face of oppression. We believe that God will grant them all a place in paradise and that we may be partners in their struggle.

The whole of humanity bears witnesses to the oppression in Gaza. However, this situation cannot persist for long. God is with our brothers in Gaza and Palestine.

Al-Aqsa Mosque is not alone. Al-Aqsa Mosque is where our Prophet ascended to the heavens. We will never abandon Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem. We can never normalize the occupation.

Our call to the Islamic world is as follows: The Islamic world must act with unity and solidarity.

We call upon leaders of thought, non-governmental organizations, and all people of conscience. Let us unite for this righteous cause, thwart the sinister plans of the terrorist state of Israel together, be mobilized, be vigilant, walk side by side, and never leave Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem alone."

The rally reflects the growing international concern over the situation in Gaza and the desire of many to voice their condemnation of the ongoing violence and their support for those affected. (ILKHA)