Business association calls for urgent action to stop Gaza massacres

The Association of Right Industrialists and Businessmen (HAKSIAD) has issued a press statement expressing grave concern over the ongoing israeli attacks on Palestine.

Ekleme: 19.10.2023 13:51:36 / Güncelleme: 19.10.2023 13:51:36 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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In a press conference, Selahattin Güneş, the Head of HAKSIAD's Diyarbakır Branch, highlighted the need to halt the civilian massacres in Gaza, ensure unimpeded humanitarian aid, and adopt a just and humanitarian approach to the crisis in Palestine.

Güneş underlined the severe humanitarian crisis in Palestinian territories, particularly in Gaza, due to israeli strikes.

Güneş noted that zionist occupation has perpetuated a humanitarian catastrophe in Palestinian territories for decades, depriving Muslim residents, especially in Gaza, of basic human rights and necessities such as electricity, water, food, medicine, and fuel.

"The killing of civilians and defenseless people must stop. Basic needs such as medicine, food, electricity, fuel, and water must be provided urgently,” Güneş said.

Civilian populations, hospitals, and places of worship have been mercilessly and cruelly targeted in relentless israeli attacks on Gaza.

Güneş further criticized israel for its disregard of international law and human rights, emphasizing the brutal loss of life among Muslim Palestinians. Over the past two weeks, the conflict has claimed the lives of 15 health workers, 11 journalists, and thousands of innocent civilians, including infants and children.

“After the hospital bombing, we are at a point where words, understanding, and dialogue are exhausted,” Güneş lamented.

He expressed disappointment that global powers have failed to effectively curtail the cruelty, even extending support to the zionist occupation regime.

In light of the crisis, Güneş called on international community, especially the United Nations and leaders of Muslim nations, to confront the zionist occupation forces.

He acknowledged the economic and trade ramifications of war and conflict but emphasized the greater responsibility of upholding humanity and conscience in the face of Israeli atrocities.

Furthermore, Güneş emphasized the imperative recognition of Palestine as an independent state and underscored the urgency of this issue.

 In a direct plea to the international community and leaders of Muslim countries, he urged: "It is time to raise our humanity and conscience against israel and say 'STOP'."

He added: "We invite the UN, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and global powers, and especially the leaders of Muslim countries, to stand by Palestine and put a halt to the injustice of Israel."

Güneş recognized that while war and conflict typically have negative consequences on trade and the economy, the current situation necessitates transcending economic interests and focusing on the higher values of humanity and morality.

In this critical juncture, HAKSIAD's statement sends a strong message, appealing for immediate intervention to end the escalating violence and the humanitarian disaster in Gaza. (ILKHA)