UNRWA chief warns of humanitarian crisis in Gaza amidst water shortage

In a press conference, UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini sounded the alarm about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza, emphasizing the severe water shortage that poses a direct threat to the health and lives of the civilian population.

Ekleme: 17.10.2023 17:11:04 / Güncelleme: 17.10.2023 17:11:04 / English News
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Lazzarini expressed deep concern about the consequences of the ongoing israeli siege and military attacks on Gaza, stating that the territory is being "strangled," and the world appears to have lost its humanity.

Highlighting the critical importance of water, Lazzarini revealed that Gaza is rapidly running out of potable water, leading to a dire situation where basic necessities like food and medicine are also at risk. He painted a grim picture, stating, "Soon, I believe, with this there will be no food or medicine either."

The UNRWA chief criticized the stringent blockade imposed on Gaza, pointing out that not a single drop of water, grain of wheat, or liter of fuel has been allowed into the Gaza Strip for the past eight days.

Gaza traditionally receives water supplies from various sources, including a pipeline from Israel, desalination plants on the Mediterranean Sea, and wells. However, israel's cutoff of water, fuel, and electricity has severely impacted water and sewage facilities, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the region. The UNRWA's stark warning underscores the urgent need for international intervention to address the escalating crisis in Gaza. (ILKHA)