Women's resolute support for Gaza echoes at Istanbul's 'Free Palestine Rally'

Thousands of people assembled on Sunday in Istanbul's Maltepe District for the "Free Palestine Rally," a joint initiative by HÜDA PAR (Free Cause Party), Felicity Party, and Future Party.

Ekleme: 17.10.2023 14:06:54 / Güncelleme: 17.10.2023 14:06:54 / English News / İstanbul Haberleri
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The large-scale event aimed to express solidarity with the Palestinian resistance and condemn attacks carried out by the occupation regime.

Prominent figures, including Temel Karamollaoğlu, Chairman of Felicity Party; Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu, Chairman of HÜDA PAR; Ahmet Davutoğlu, Chairman of Future Party; and several other notable personalities, diplomats, and NGO representatives participated in the rally.

Citizens from various cities across Turkey joined the event to demonstrate their support for Palestinian Muslims.

Women participating in the program sent greetings to their Palestinian brothers and sisters, encouraging them to continue their resistance, expressing their unwavering support until the end.

Leyla Gürsoy from Kartal, Istanbul, said: "May God damn Israel with His sword. Palestinians are our brothers. Masjid al-Aqsa is ours. We are with our Palestinian brothers until death. May God damn Israel."

Ümmühan Ceylan, expressing solidarity, stated: "I send greetings to my Palestinian Muslim brothers and sisters. May America burn in the hell it created. May its atrocities fall on its head as fire. My brothers and sisters in Palestine, continue your resistance. I send greetings to you from Istanbul. We are behind our religious brothers."

Huriye Yalçın, participating in the program from Istanbul Maltepe, commented: "May Allah strike them down. May their graves be stones." Kezban Gümüş expressed, "As Muslims, one day we will definitely destroy Israel. Free Palestine will continue on its way, Inshallah."

Şükran Yıldız from Bursa condemned the Zionists, saying: "I wish we could do something to help them." Esengül Taybar emphasized, "We are against oppression and oppressors for our Palestinian brothers and sisters. While our brothers and sisters are dying in Palestine, we are feeling their pains here in the same way. We are always against oppression and oppressors."