Erdogan delivers speech at Parliament, addressing critical issues

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech at the General Assembly of the Parliament, addressing various critical issues affecting Türkiye.

Ekleme: 01.10.2023 16:36:45 / Güncelleme: 01.10.2023 16:36:45 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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His remarks come in the wake of an incident where two police officers were injured when terrorists detonated an explosive device in front of the General Directorate of Security in Ankara.

In his speech, President Erdogan began by expressing his greetings and best wishes to fellow citizens, esteemed members of the parliament, and the nation as a whole. He acknowledged the importance of the 8th term and 2nd legislative year of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye and thanked citizens for their participation in the recent elections, which strengthened the country's democracy.

The President paid tribute to “the nation's martyrs who sacrificed their lives in defense of the homeland”, expressing his hope that God would grant them paradise. He also extended his best wishes to the members of parliament who will serve the nation.

Erdogan highlighted the significance of embracing diversity and turning differences into assets, emphasizing the need for a new and civilian constitution. He noted that the current constitution, with its numerous amendments over 41 years, is insufficient for Türkiye's future. Erdogan extended an invitation to all political parties, deputies, and social groups to join efforts to draft a new constitution that represents a common vision.

Regarding the recent earthquake that affected 11 cities and caused substantial casualties, Erdogan praised the unity and solidarity shown by the people and the state's swift response in providing housing and assistance. He assured that the government would continue to prioritize the recovery and reconstruction efforts in the affected areas, despite the estimated $105 billion cost of the earthquake.

Erdogan acknowledged the challenges posed by the Russia-Ukraine war and its global economic repercussions, affecting various sectors, from food to energy, trade, and employment. He emphasized that Türkiye is focused on implementing policies to navigate these difficulties while continuing to grow the economy.

On the issue of terrorism, Erdogan stated that the Turkish government has resolved the problem within its borders but aims to eliminate the terrorist organization's presence outside the country as well. He emphasized that the fight against terrorism, both within and beyond Türkiye's borders, will persist until the last terrorist is neutralized.

Erdogan also touched on the importance of safeguarding national unity and security, vowing not to allow any terrorist organization to interfere with politics or threaten the country's progress. He referred to a recent operation that resulted in the elimination of two terrorists, asserting that threats to peace and security would not succeed.

In his speech, Erdogan criticized the European Union's (EU) biased stance towards Türkiye, stating that Türkiye has fulfilled its promises to the EU while receiving limited reciprocity. He expressed frustration with the EU's unfair treatment and called on them to rectify their actions, beginning with visa restrictions. Erdogan emphasized that Türkiye may establish its criteria, akin to the Copenhagen criteria used by the EU.

The President concluded his address by reaffirming his commitment to advancing Türkiye's interests and protecting its national sovereignty, regardless of external pressures or challenges. (ILKHA)