Moscow Format meeting emphasizes inclusive government in Afghanistan

In the final declaration of the Moscow Format meeting, participating members underscored the imperative of establishing an inclusive government, combatting terrorist groups, and upholding human rights in Afghanistan, particularly the rights to work and education for women.

Ekleme: 01.10.2023 13:51:42 / Güncelleme: 01.10.2023 13:51:42 / English News
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While the Islamic Emirate's efforts against Daesh were commended, the current Afghan government received a call to intensify its fight against all terrorist factions.

"The parties noted with concern the difficult security situation in Afghanistan due to the intensification of the activities of terrorist groups, primarily ISIS. Appreciated the current Afghan authorities for their serious fight against ISIS and urged them to do the same against all terrorist groups. Called on the current Afghan authorities to take effective measures to dismantle, eliminate and prevent placement of all sorts of terrorist groups based in Afghanistan," the declaration stated.

Regrettably, the declaration acknowledged a lack of progress in forming a genuinely inclusive government in Afghanistan that reflects the interests of all ethno-political groups.

The participants expressed their commitment to fundamental rights and freedoms in Afghanistan, urging equal rights to work, education, and justice without discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, or religion. Concerns were raised about imposed restrictions on women's employment and girls' education, prompting a call for the Afghan authorities to promote modern education in line with international standards.

Russian special envoy for Afghanistan, Zamir Kabulov, emphasized that any non-inclusive government in Afghanistan would be unsustainable. He criticized the previous Afghan government as a puppet regime of the United States, asserting the need for a government that prioritizes Afghan interests.

Addressing the gathering, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held Western countries responsible for causing "irreparable damage" to the Afghan people, urging them to take the lead in post-conflict reconstruction.

Lavrov expressed concern about non-regional actors attempting to reestablish military presence in Afghanistan and stressed the unacceptability of the return of U.S. and NATO military infrastructure to the region.

At the Moscow Format meeting, the acting foreign minister of the Islamic Emirate called on regional and neighboring countries to refrain from interfering in Afghanistan's internal affairs.

The fifth meeting of the Moscow Format Consultations on Afghanistan concluded on September 29, 2023, with representatives from China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Representatives from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Turkey were also in attendance as guests of honor. (ILKHA)