Philippine troops kill six suspected rebels in clash

Philippine troops engaged in a deadly clash with suspected rebels, resulting in the death of at least six individuals in central Philippines.

Ekleme: 22.09.2023 12:10:45 / Güncelleme: 22.09.2023 12:10:45 / English News
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The confrontation took place on Thursday on the outskirts of Kabankalan City in Negros Occidental province, officials said.

The armed conflict involved the military and the New People's Army (NPA), a long-standing rebel group in the Philippines.

During the operation, troops recovered a cache of weapons and equipment left behind by the insurgents. This included four .45-caliber pistols, a hand grenade, multiple rounds of ammunition, and eight mobile phones.

This incident marks the second deadly clash involving the NPA in central Philippines this month. On September 7, Philippine troops also engaged in a series of confrontations with suspected rebels in Bohol province, resulting in the deaths of at least six insurgents.

The New People's Army has been engaged in armed conflict with government forces since 1969, primarily focusing their attacks on rural areas and frequently skirmishing with the military.

However, military data indicates that the NPA's strength has significantly diminished over the years, with an estimated current membership of around 2,000 members, a notable decrease from its peak strength during the 1980s. (ILKHA)