Turkish Foreign Ministry criticizes European Parliament's 2022 report on Türkiye

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has issued a critical press release in response to the European Parliament's (EP) 2022 Report on Türkiye, which was adopted during the Plenary Session on Wednesday.

Ekleme: 14.09.2023 10:16:31 / Güncelleme: 14.09.2023 10:16:31 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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In the statement, the Ministry expressed strong disapproval of the report, labeling it as a collection of unfounded allegations and prejudices that reflect a shallow and non-visionary approach by the EP toward Türkiye-EU relations.

According to the Ministry, the report is based on disinformation propagated by anti-Türkiye circles and lacks a solid foundation. It further criticized the EP members, accusing them of being influenced by populist daily politics rather than adopting a strategic approach towards both Türkiye-EU relations and the broader region.

In light of the current geopolitical climate and the need for stability and security in Europe, the Ministry expressed its disappointment in the EP's decision to focus on issues parallel to Türkiye-EU accession negotiations. The Ministry argued that these negotiations are crucial to the future of Türkiye-EU relations and should take precedence.

Regarding specific allegations made in the report concerning the Aegean, Eastern Mediterranean, and Cyprus issues, the Turkish Ministry dismissed them as one-sided and disconnected from historical and legal facts, rendering them invalid in their view.

The Ministry emphasized common goals between Türkiye and the EU, such as updating the Customs Union and pursuing visa liberalization dialogue without delay. It sees these as opportunities to elevate the relationship to a new and dynamic level.

Türkiye's potential to contribute significantly to the EU in various domains, including security, energy, climate change, migration, trade, and economics, was highlighted by the Ministry. It called for a visionary perspective that transcends immediate interests.

In conclusion, the Ministry expressed its hope that the EP, following the 2024 elections, would adopt a rational, objective, and constructive approach towards Türkiye-EU relations. (ILKHA)