Russia destroys three Ukrainian military speedboats in Black Sea

Russia has reported the destruction of three military speedboats carrying Ukrainian soldiers in the Black Sea, claiming they were on a course toward the annexed region of Crimea.

Ekleme: 10.09.2023 13:25:07 / Güncelleme: 10.09.2023 13:25:07 / English News
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The Russian defense ministry said that the speedboats were heading towards annexed Crimea and were carrying Ukrainian armed forces.

In a separate announcement, the Russian army disclosed that its air defense systems had downed eight Ukrainian drones over Crimea and one more near the Bryansk region, situated near the Ukrainian border.

The reported incident follows Ukraine's operation in Crimea on August 24, during which the Ukrainian flag was raised on the peninsula.

Ukrainian special forces executed a sea-based landing on the western part of Crimea during the operation, subsequently withdrawing "without casualties," as reported by Ukrainian military intelligence.

Tensions in the region have persisted since Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, with both countries engaged in a long-standing conflict over the territory.

This latest development underscores the ongoing volatility in the area and the continued military confrontations between Russia and Ukraine. (ILKHA)