“Life is Beautiful with Prayer” event final to take place in Diyarbakır

The “Life is Beautiful with Prayer” event, organized by the Qur'anic Generation Platform, is set to hold its final installment in Diyarbakır on September 17.

Ekleme: 10.09.2023 12:06:39 / Güncelleme: 10.09.2023 12:06:39 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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This annual event marks the culmination of a 20-day prayer training program designed for children aged 7 to 10, conducted by the platform in various provinces and districts across Türkiye.

Muhammad Avcı, Diyarbakır Provincial Coordinator of the Qur'anic Generation Platform, extended an invitation to all Diyarbakır residents to join the event, which will be held at the Hadrat Suleiman Mosque.

Speaking about the platform's activities and goals, Avcı explained: “The Qur'anic Generation Platform was founded in July 2011 and has been actively engaged in various initiatives. Our primary aim is to promote the message of the Qur'an, foster a love for the Qur'an in children, and provide education on the Qur'an.”

He went on to elaborate on the program's efforts to teach prayer to children: “For several years, we have been organizing programs to teach prayer to children aged 7 to 10. This year, as in the previous years, we conducted these programs in multiple provinces. Over the course of approximately 15-20 days, which includes activities and games aimed at nurturing an affection for prayer, every participating child learns how to perform prayer. Additionally, we organize competitions in reciting the Adhan, beautifully reciting the Holy Quran, and memorizing verses.”

Regarding the upcoming final event in Diyarbakır, Avcı provided details: “Inshallah (God willing), our final event will take place at Hadrat Suleiman Mosque on Sunday, September 17, at 5:00 p.m. Our preparations for the event are in full swing and nearly completed. We have provided prayer education to thousands of children in Diyarbakır. These children have successfully reached a level where they can perform prayer, thanks to our training that covers the fundamentals of prayer, factors that invalidate it, ablution, surah memorization, and prayers.”

He added, “We will culminate the prayer training with this event. Prior to the final event on Sunday, we have also organized local events in numerous neighborhoods and districts of Diyarbakır. In conjunction with the final event, we have arranged a poetry writing and painting competition centered around the theme of prayer, with prizes to be awarded to the winners. Children will receive skull caps, prayer mats, and prayer T-shirts at the event. The program will feature children singing hymns, reciting verses and hadiths from memory, as well as performing theatrical skits. This event will serve as the crowning achievement of our prayer education efforts.”

Avcı expressed optimism about the event's success and called for community participation, saying: “Last year, our event in Diyarbakır drew a significant crowd. As a team, we provided prayer training to thousands of children, which is no small feat. We urge families to participate in the event. We hope to see individuals of all ages and backgrounds, families, and children in the event area. Join us on Sunday, September 17, at 5:00 p.m. at Hadrat Suleiman Mosque. We welcome everyone as part of our extended family.” (ILKHA)